a hocht

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Peter smiled as he turned off, he got into his suit and swung out the window.

An hour later (I'm lazy ok)

Peter had a bad wound, so he just decided to text James, because he won't sleep.

Peter: r u awake?

James: yep 

James: why r u awake?

Peter: um how r u

James: ;-;

Peter: wot?

James: sleep now

Peter: I can't

James: you where out on patrol-

Peter: ye

James: aannnnndd your hurt

Peter: maybe

James: but you have that weird quick healing

Peter: yessss

Peter: I need to eat more so it'll work faster-

James: then.... eat

Peter: oop ok

Peter: I'll ttyl

James: ok ttyl cutie

Peter: boi

James: :P

Peter: 《_•~•_》

James is offline

Peter is offline

I can't with the gay

KB: look in a mirror


RJ: gay



KB: oh~

I swear to fucking God

KB: Ocha said it

I am done with you

AC out

Dyed hair gang

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Dyed hair gang

Yes- more people

No- I can't keep up with it all

Yes- I fucked up my knee help

No- I didn't go to the doctors

Yes- I don't care

KB: only my sister has a name

Roki: they all have names lil sis

KB: I know, they're not revealed yet

I have a YouTube channel now-

I have a YouTube channel now-

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I only talk a bit tho

And I sound more English- I'm not that English

Wrong Number, CutieWhere stories live. Discover now