a deich

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Peter: ello

James: pff- hey Pete

Peter: I'm booooooooooorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeedddddddddddd

James: that seems like a personal problem 

Peter:  :0 ROODE

James: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) try me boi

Peter: why the Lenny face tho?

James: cuz why not

Peter: -_- I question ur intelligence sometimes

James: I was like 16 or something when I joined the army- get on my level kid-

Peter: yet you still act like a child 90% of the time-

James: wow- rude

Peter: u love me anyways

James: in what way tho-- :)

Peter: in a none illegal way- ur like 95- I'm 16

James: pff- true- but before I was frozen I was- 22 or something- I can't remember 

Peter: wait till I'm 18 loser

James: r u gonna disappear for another month now?

Peter: or... hear me out- I'll txt u in 2 years when its legeal-

James: I mean- I can wait 2 years to date u- but no txting for 2 years? ouch

Peter: YEP- if u rlly love me you'll wait

James: I'll txt u in 2 years then-

Read 1:32am

James: night Pete-

Wooow- AC updated- what a surprise

Happy birthday to you guys (idc if it's not ur b-day happy fucking birthday)

AC out

I'm not bothered to look over it- :')

Y'all tell me if I mess up anything

Your smarter then me


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