a naoi

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Peter: hey

James: hi- long time no talk- wassup?

Peter: yea sorry- I should have told ya- I was busy with online school and stuff

James: corona?

Peter: sadly yea

James: that sucks

Peter: yea- wbu?

James: can't do stuff- I'm forced to stay inside

Peter: that also sucks

James: well at least I can relax now, right?

Peter: true that, my aunt isn't letting me out :(

James: pff-

Peter: crap- I have to get school work done

Peter: ttyl?

James: yea, of course ttyl

Peter: bye!

read 1:36pm

Peter is offline

James is offline


KB: noice

RJ: hey- ya got a part written!

Yep, I'm suppose to be doing Irish :p

???: go do it then


AC out

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