Chapter 2

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Disclaimer: I do not own Steven Universe Future. Rebecca Sugar does. I only own the OC characters.


The endless void stretched out before him. He floated endlessly in this blank space, lost and confused. His bare feet touched black nothingness as he made his way forward, trying to make out any details. However, there was nothing for miles in any direction.

Then he heard a voice. It was actually several voices, all talking over each other at once. He headed towards the sound. The voices grew in volume as he moved closer, growing familiar. He broke into a run when he heard a scream ring out in the empty void, panic stabbing through his chest. But he was too late. The sound of a gem's form destabilizing resounded, followed by several plumes of smoke. When it cleared, he began to tremble at the sight. Four gems lay dormant on the ground; a pearl, an amethyst, a ruby, and a sapphire.

And hovering above the poofed gems, grinning from ear to ear with malicious glee, was Bluebird Azurite, sword gleaming in her hand. The fusion cackled at his distress, reveling in what she had done. Black, faceless beings gathered around them, their own laughter adding to Bluebird's grating voice. He couldn't bear to listen to it anymore. He covered his ears with his hands, squeezing his eyes shut, praying that this wasn't real.

He looked up when the laughing stopped, and a huge shadow loomed over him. His eyes widened in horror at this truly monstrous shape glaring down at him. Its eyes flashed a bright pink. Everything else was shrouded in shadow.

The great beast leaned its head back and let out a mighty roar.


Steven woke up after that. He jolted upright in bed, panting, sweat rolling off him in waves. The beast's roar in his dream was still ringing in his ears. But that was more than just a dream. Something was wrong.

Tears gathering in his eyes, he reached over to shake the young woman asleep next to him. "Destiny! Destiny, wake up!" The gem host groaned, blearily opening her eyes. "Steven?" she asked, speech slurred. "What time is it?"

"That doesn't matter!" he exclaimed. "We need to go! The gems are in trouble!" Destiny perked up at that, fully awake. "What?" she asked, bewildered. "How do you know?"

"I had a dream," Steven answered. "They were attacked. Please, we have to go, we have to save them!" Destiny sat up in his bed, fixing him with a disapproving stare. "It's too dangerous, Steven," she said. "Your powers have been out of wack since... all this started. She gestured at his odd developments. "I can call Connie and we'll take Bismuth and Lapis with us. Peridot can stay and watch you-"

"No!" Steven blurted, starting to get frustrated. "Don't leave me out of this! I have to go! I'm fine, I swear! I can handle it!" The young hybrid stared at her with pleading eyes, seconds away from a breakdown. Destiny felt conflicted. Despite his claim, Steven's current condition clearly stated that he was far from fine. She had promised Greg and the gems that she would protect him and bringing the boy to hunt down a rebellion base on Earth would run the risk of breaking that promise. But she also knew that he hated the thought that people he cared about would get hurt from trying to look out for him. Besides, the Crystal Gems were his family, more so his than they were hers. She couldn't deny him the chance to help them.

Destiny heaved a great sigh, knowing that she was going to regret this. "Fine," she said, fixing him with a determined gaze. "Let's go." The boy's face lit up in gratitude. He scrambled out of bed to go get dressed, leaving her to haul herself out to do the same. She did her best to quell the feeling of apprehension stirring in her gut.

They packed light, two water bottles and some snacks for the road. Once they were ready, they descended the stairs of the beach house to the beach below. Jasper's gem, nestled in Destiny's chest, glittered in the pale dawn light. Steven whistled using his fingers, high and shrill. From around the cliff, a large pink feline bounded across the sand, stopping right in front of them. They hopped onto its back, settling themselves in.

"Alright, Lion," Steven muttered to the fearsome predator. "Take us to where the Crystal Gems are." With a shake of his mane, Lion's eyes glowed white. He roared, a portal opening before them, churning and swirling. With a great leap, they hurtled through the gateway at top speed, preparing for what they would find on the other side.


Author's Note: This is a very short and very bad chapter. The next one will be better, I promise.

Episodes 13 and 14 hurt me deeply. I wanted to cry. Why must you do this to me, Rebecca?

I also forgot to mention in the story's description that this story is based off of What Lies Beneath by Breaking Benjamin.

Praise is appreciated and constructive criticism is encouraged.

See you next time!


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