Chapter 4

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Disclaimer: I do not own Steven Universe Future. Rebecca Sugar does. I only own the OC characters.


They tumbled, landing on sharp rocks as they fell. Destiny reverted to her real body just before hitting the floor. The wind was knocked out of her as she lay heavily on her side, groaning. After staying still to catch her breath, she slowly rolled to push herself to her knees. Nothing appeared to be broken. That was good.

She chuckled to herself. "Just a few scrapes, she said. "Honestly, that's better than what I could've hoped for." She turned to the young hybrid who had landed beside her. "Hey Steven, are you alri-" She cut off, gasping. The boy was bent over, groaning and whimpering, head clutched in his hands. His body trembled from pain, but not from the fall. No, something else was causing this.

She got to her feet quickly, rushing over to his side. "Steven?!" she yelled in panic. She knelt next to him, hands reaching to grab his shoulders. "What's wrong? Please, talk to me!" But before she had a chance to assess the situation for herself, the young hybrid let out an agonizing scream. Destiny fell back on her heels, hopelessness weighing down on her. She had no idea how to help him with something like this. And it broke her inside.

The boy continued to scream as the purple blotches covering his skin began to spread, and his horns grew in length. But it wasn't done yet. Lumps emerged from beneath Steven's shirt before ripping through the fabric. Light pink thorns ran along his spine. As soon as they reached the base of his back, a new appendage, adorned with its own set of thorns, sprouted out from his skin. The newly formed tail flopped sporadically back and forth.

Once Steven's screams died down, the young gem host laid a hand on his back, careful not to prick herself on the new thorns. The boy was panting in exhaustion from the transformation, tears streaming down his cheeks from the pain. "Steven?" Destiny asked tentatively. "Are you alright?" The young hybrid took in a few more deep breaths before slowly lifting his head and nodding, despite all evidence indicating otherwise. He looked terrible. Nevertheless, Destiny let out her breath that she was holding.

She looked ahead to the passage beyond, stretching out into darkness. "We have to get out of here," she said. She looked back down at the trembling boy, sweat still dripping down his face. "Can you walk?" Steven looked down, avoiding her gaze. After a moment, he shook his head.

Destiny flashed him a reassuring smile. "Don't worry. I'll carry you." With that said, she transformed into her other body, without the metal fists this time. Her arms were, instead, covered in long black gloves that nearly reached her shoulder. She then picked Steven up bridal style before jogging into the cavern in front of them.

It wasn't long before she felt the tremors. They were trying to dig their way to them. She picked up her pace, hoping she could get them to a safe distance. However, she nearly stumbled as the cave ceiling above them heaved. She barely dodged the cascade of boulders that came tumbling down. But what stood in its place was what was worrisome. The point of a large drill poked through the ceiling. It then pulled out, leaving behind a big hole. Rebel gems began leaping down into the pit. Destiny didn't wait for them to start giving chase.

She sprinted as fast as she could, panting, clutching Steven to her like a lifeline. She couldn't let them get caught. She didn't know what she would do if something happened to the boy. She heard the shouts of the gems hot on her heels, enjoying the thrill of the hunt. She clenched her teeth. She wouldn't let these monsters get their hands on him. She would give up her life to ensure that.

Suddenly, another drill crashed from the side, nearly missing them. The force of it knocked Steven from her arms and she fell to the ground. By the time the ringing in her ears subsided and the dust cleared, more gems were already pouring in. But what made her heart skip a beat was so much worse.

She quickly sprang to her feet at the sight of Steven struggling in the grip of a Jasper soldier, a hand over his mouth. He clawed at the arm holding him, but to no avail. Without his powers, he was too weak. Destiny's face contorted in anger. "Let him go!" she shouted, giant metal fists replacing her arms with a flash of orange. She made ready to charge forward.

The Jasper clicked her tongue. "I wouldn't do that if I were you," she said, lifting the sword she was holding in her other hand. The point lifted the hem of Steven's shirt exposing his gem. The tip rested just at the edge of the embedded diamond. "It would be a shame if he gets hurt." The gem grinned in malicious glee. The young hybrid directed his gaze to Destiny, eyes wide with fear. Tears poured down, landing on the arm holding him.

The gem host immediately put away her weapons. "No, don't!" she pleaded, hands held up in a nonthreatening manner. The Jasper withdrew her sword. "That's more like it," she said. "Bluebird wants to see you." The expression on the gem's face was smug. "If you don't want any more trouble, I suggest you stand down."

Destiny lowered her arms to her sides, dropping her gaze. Her eyes were hidden by her hair, expression unreadable. She clenched her fists before eventually reverting to her real body. The Jasper grunted, content, and shifted her grip of Steven so that she had one arm wrapped around his middle, resting him on her hip. She turned and strode toward the gaping hole in the cavern wall. Before she could react, she felt other gems taking hold of her arms and shoulders, propelling her forward after the rebel gem. She struggled to hold in the tears that burned behind her eyes.


Author's Note: I hate how short this chapter is.

New episodes had me shook. I am terrified for Steven. Can't wait for the finale.

How's quarantine going for everybody?

Praise is appreciated and constructive criticism is encouraged.

See you next time!


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