Ch 1: First-ish impressions

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     Peter breathed in the somewhat fresh air as he swung throughout the city at high speeds. Using his web shooters; he swung around buildings in the lower class parts of new York.

     He watched the people walk by on the dirty street. Trash bags littered the sidewalks, oil spills glistened in the setting sun, and rats scurried among the road.

     Sure this part of the city wasn't the prettiest, but it meant something to him. He had grown up in these parts, and ever since he was little. he'd wonder the streets and alleyways... the memories coming in useful now that he was a superhero.. More like vigilante.

     He knew almost every alleyway like the back of his hand. Which helped him hide his bags when he went out patrolling.
Most kids that went to his school didn't live in these parts. They mostly lived in upper class areas where the streets looked like something out of a movie. Part of him wished he lived closer to school, but another part of him enjoyed his walks.

     Peter shook his head, he had zoned out for a bit and swung towards to the alleyway where he hid his duffel bag by instinct. Webbing onto the wall and sliding down, he retrieved his duffel bag from behind a dumpster and opened it to find his civilian clothes, also sliding his school bag towards him from the same place.

      He changed into a science pun t-shirt, a MIT hoodie (he found it at good will on half off day, score!) his ragged jeans, and finally his ripped up-hand me down- red converse.

     Stuffing his suit into the bottom of his bag, he pulled his phone out of one of the side pockets and hid the bag back behind the dumpster, he stood up and swung his old backpack around his shoulders and looked at his phone. It was only 3:47.

     'since it was early release today and Ms.Harper doesn't know I get out early, and because i told her i had a club after school until 4:00, that means I have about 13 minuets to get there before i get in trouble.

     But the orphanage is 15 mins away from here so i'd better run'... Peter thought as he put his headphones on. 'I can't be late or she'll hurt the other kids because of me... Again..' He pursed his lips as he unlocked his new phone.

     Children in the system are given smart phones at the age of 12, but Peter had recently broken his. And by broken, he means totaled- but a phone. He had dropped it while swinging and texting ned, but lied and said he fell down the stairs and dropped it. It worked.

     Anyways- because he had a new phone, and his old one couldn't be recovered. He lost everything on his phone, including contacts. Opening Spotify, he cranked up the volume while listening to what he thought was led zeppelin, which was actually ACDC. (he had no idea) He began sprinting in the direction of the orphanage.

"watch it kid!"
     a guy on a bike yelled when Peter almost ran into him head on. "Sorry!"
     He called back. 'jeez the streets are crowded' He thought while giving out apologies for people he was bumping into while running. Remembering he didn't have Ned's number anymore, he opened up contacts and added a new profile.

     remembering he lost the paper that had Ned's number on it, Peter tried to type it in by memory. he got the first 5 digits in before he looked up from his phone.

       In the distance he could see a crosswalk he was supposed to cross in a busy intersection. The timer had 5 seconds left and he was about 30 feet away from it. He thought he could make it across. He was wrong. Very wrong.

-----< & =====

     Nothing annoyed Pepper more than her having to ask people do things more than once. The only exception was when it came to Tony. She knew he was a stubborn man, and knew how hard it was to get him to do something. But she was up to her limit with how annoying he was being at the moment.

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