Ice Cream Thief
From The Journal Of Francis Bonnefoy
Special entry (Filler while I fix up next chapter)
Today Mr. Beilschmidt and Mr. Vargas took all the 8th graders to a local ice cream shop. I knew all hell was going to break loose, between Gilbert, Antonio, Roderich, Arthur, and of course our two “helpers” Alistair and Dylan.
Well Dylan was okay, but Scotland was still mad about that damn fight. Guess he doesn’t like getting detention from his mommy. Poor beyotch.
We ordered up. Milkshake for me, and a double cone for each of the other members of the BTT as everyone calls us. Bad Touch Trio. One touch (punch, kick, slap, elbow, knee, ect ect.) and your down.
Gilbert turned away from his ice cream. “Looks like Arthur’s sponsoring some dumbass 6th grader.” He gestured to Arthur who had his phone pressed to his ear as he reassured someone on the other line who was freaking out.
“Alfred, for the love-“ He stopped talking for a moment. “Two hours tops, then I’ll be there. Don’t worry, my mom’s all bark and no bite.”
Liar! I thought, rather smugly actually.
I watched as Antonio leaned down and took a huge bite out of Gilbert’s ice cream. Gilbert didn’t notice, just continued on. “-ican idiot with a love of fast food. Apparently he’s f-ing strong though.” Then he looked and saw Antonio was down to his cone. “ANTONIO YOU SPAINISH BEOTCH NOT MY ICE CREAM!”
No one even looked as Gilbert started yelling flailing his arms. He stopped after a moment and looked disappointed.
"Mr. Beilschmidt sir! Antonio stole Gilbert's ice cream!" I yelled from our booth as the long blond haired man looked over from his own cone.
"Good job Antonio!" He growled out before returning to his currently melting treat.
Gilbert's jaw dropped. "DAD!"
Mr. Beilschmidt grunted.
Antonio smirked. "Now who's awesome?"
I looked away as an argument ensued and sighed. "Dumb asses." I mumbled before grabbing my milkshake off the table and walking outside in the hopes of muting the sound of yelling 8th graders.
Next time, I'd bring ear plugs.
That’s all for now La~ Journal. Au Revoir for now…