6. The Washroom Scene

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Pushing the door gently, I enter his cabin... Finding it empty , I utilize the opportunity and slip in without getting noticed.

I enter inside the washroom. Just when I was about to pull my cloth upward, somebody knocked the door...

"Who's in? "

I heard a manly voice and immediately my brain recognized whom it belonged to...

"Come out.... "

He barked banging the door impatiently. I pulled my cloths above my head hastily but holy fuck... it got stuck somewhere in my hairs...

"Come out right now...I need to go... "

His voice came, and this time softly as if he is trying to control the pressure that was building up inside him...

For a moment , I felt bad for him. But how to tell that him i was helpless. My clothes were around my head blocking my vision. I tried to pull them down but they were so badly stucked in my hairs that it actually pained everytime i tried to remove them.

"Whoever you are, Come out right now or else i'll break this door....I am counting... 1... 2....."

He started counting which irritated me more..

"Stop counting you mad person. "

I said annoyed.

"Youuuuuuu..... What are you doing inside?

He seemed to recognize my voice. The rage in his tone said so.

" Planting bomb inside your bathroom... "

I said again annoyed.

"Whattt... Why would you do that?"

He asked amused... Is he really so dumb or he likes to act dumb in front of other's, I really don't know...

"To explode your ass into two pieces "

My inner self wanted to shout but no Suman no...Behave ...he is your boss. I reminded myself.

What to do, I was losing my calm. Already the roots of my each hair were aching and above that this man was eating my head with his silly questions...

"I'm stuck Sir "

I said controlling my anger.

"In what....Toilet seat?"

Whatt ..Toilet seat. Fuck man..Does he eat cowdung in breakfast or what. How can someone's brain be so filthy, I don't understand.

"In my clothes. "

I replied gritting my teeths.

" Did you shower with feviquick today?"

Though i was inside the bathroom, i could imagine the evil grin on his face. Here i was struggling and he was enjoying .This pissed me off more.

"Don't you want to use washroom ?"
I asked as if warning him to stop bothering me .

"Oh yeah . Come out fast."

He said impatiently.

"Use other washroom"

I suggested and he immediately replied back.

"No way. It's either you coming out or me coming in"

Such a pervent he is. No shame, no manners, nothing.

"That's not happening"

I shouted from inside. How can this man even think something like this. God knows from where such shitty things comes in his mind.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2022 ⏰

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