16. compromise

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My body is nearly drained of evergy as I sit on one of the uncomfortable chairs outside the principle's office. My leg is rapidly tapping on the corridor floor, my arms are crossed on my chest and my fingers rub my slightly sore knuckles. Despite what it may look like I'm not nervous. My anger has yet to ease up and until the prom queen makes her dramatic appearance I'm stuck here.

A few minutes later Jenny walks up to the waiting area as gracefully as she can manage and takes a seat opposite me crossing her legs and arms. Her nose is patched up and he face has already started to bruise on the bridge of her nose and under her eyes that are a little bit seallen. I hold back a smile seeing her struggle to breath properly through her injured nose. She deserves this if not more.

I know shes about to open her mouth and go off when the principle's door flies open and we're finally called in. We each get in take a seat as the principle pulls the door shut and does the same. He places his elbows on his desk and eyes both of us with a strict and disapproving look in his wrinkled  eyes.

"Ms. Hathaway. I thought we could get along this year." He says to which I give no reply to. I've been called here in the past years once or twice, for bullshit reasons mainly.

"She just attacked me sir!" I hear Jenny's whiny voice and roll my eyes in disgust of her lame theater act. Always playing the victim, always acting as if she's perfect and never in the wrong.

"Ms. Williams, same goes for you." Principle O'Donnel says which causes her to adopt a shocked look on her face.

"Me? I didn't do anything!" She whiningly protests in vein as she seems to have no effect on him whatsoever.

"I will keep this short and simple, girls. I dont want to expel you but the next time you are sent to my office for something like this I will. You both get detention." He states dismissing the matter entierly. He has very little interest dealing with high school matters of this nature, he always did.

"But I-"

"Not another word Ms Williams." He warns her shutting her up immediately. "Off you go. Both of you."


I shut the door behind me and drop my bag on the floor next to where I stand. Dragging my feet I make my way to my bed and drop myself on it burying my face in the covers.

I'm so damn tired after today. Not because of detention or anything similar. The constant chatter around me about what I did to Jenny and everyrhing revolving around it afterwards is what wore me out. Perfect timing too, my dad's death anniversary is closing in and what Jenny said has me feeling  twice as shitty than usual. Fucking peachy.

A knock on my door interrupts my nonstop thinking and puts me in greater unease. I don't want to deal with anyone right now. Especially those who live under the same roof as me. Despite my dislike of the situation I pull myself up and go for the door. Once I open it I face a pair of darkened eyes staring down at me.

"What do you want?" I tell Aaron as I place my elbow on the door frame for support. He sighs before replying.

"To say I'm sorry." He says but I pay very little attention to him and his shitty apology attempt.

"About what?" I reply barely bothering to look back at him. Even standing before him is draining me.

"I should have said something. Jenny was just being a bitch." He explains.

"You should have said nothing. Its not like we were ever really friends."

Once the words come out of my mouth he straightens his back and frowns at me.

"What do you mean?" He asks, dare I say kind of troubled.

"I'm not stupid Aaron. Since when do people become friends by a deal? Compromising isn't working, you don't have to pretend anymore." I say but for some reason I seem to have angered him.

"You really think that?" He says trying not to raise his voice at me. That pretentious motherfucker, does he think he can keep playing me like this? My anger begins to raise again and I'd really hate to re-live this morning's events.

"Just leave me the fuck alone. I've had enough of you and your shitty friends." I finally say pushing him slightly to step back as I slam the door in his face, feeling completely drained yet somehow relieved.

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