I cleared my throat.
"Is there something you aren't telling me?" I angrily asked Gray. He shook his head.
"I gotta go. Bye," then he ran off. I grunted and made my way down to the Electroshoppe. Might as well be productive. The bell on top of the door rang as I entered, and I headed over to radios. When I turned around I saw an Indian girl about my age approach me. She had black hair that curled at the end, big brown eyes, a petite body shape, a small nose, and a smile that I knew was forced.
"Hi my name is Yoshi, can I help you?"
"Yoshi, like from super Mario?"
"That's your real name?"
"No, what are you looking for?"
"Something so I can detect radio signals from a company." She nodded.
"What company? If you don't mind,"
"Playcore," her eyes grew wide.
"I'm hiding from them. They wouldn't expect me to have a job, so I got one."
"Ya I need to get into their main frame."
"Your goin to need a top notch hacker for that." I stomped my foot.
"You need a hacker?" I nodded. Yoshi handed me a piece of paper. "Call me when my shift is over." Then she left. I smiled, I'm going to like this girl. When I headed out I was stopped by Natalia.
"Hey Ky, are you like mad at me?"
"No Natalia, I'm not. I have to be somewhere though, bye." She smiled and nodded. Once I got to the park I sat on a bench and waited. Yoshi's shift ended at 6:00, right now I was 5:45. After fifteen minutes I called Yoshi and told her to meet me in the park. When she came we discussed the plan.
"Okay so we hack the firewall, then we access the main frame," she trailed off as Myles approached.

You've been played
ActionKy Locke did the same thing everyday. Get up, go to school, come home, play video games, homework, bed. Playcore is the biggest game company out there, when they want her for research will Ky accept and have her dream, or say no and avoid a terrible...