Finally saw you again.

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A smile lingered on her lips while scrolling down Tzuyu's sister old post. Tzuyu looked so happy and very opposite to the Tzuyu right now. She suddenly wondered why she became like this.

Sana can see how much her sister loves her. She saved Tzuyu's old photos on her phone while smiling widely.

But then she remembered about the post Mina mentioned her. Tzuyu's hair is now blonde that only makes her more gorgeous and godly than before. She took lots of women's heart again, especially her heart that already belongs to the one they call crazy psycho.

"Sana darling! Can you please go to the market and buy these."

Her mom suddenly entered her room while showing her a note. She stand up from her bed and took the card and the list.

"Sure mom! " she walk to her closet and took her favorite hoodie. It was actually Tzuyu's hoodie, it was raining that day and she was soaking wet. Tzuyu offered her a lift to her house and let her borrow her jacket.

That time, it was their first encounter and Sana was so shocked that a Chou Tzuyu approached her first. Tzuyu had no friends at school, she never wants to socialize or even talk with others. It's like she has her own world. 

Sana wore her short shorts with a pair of sneakers and headed out from her room.

Since it is still early she decided to take a walk, maybe in that way the person she's been thinking of will show up infront of her.

But she has gone half through the way yet she didn't feel any strange like someone is following her. It's not the usual thing, Tzuyu always follows her wherever she goes and it may funny as it seems but she felt safe knowing Tzuyu is just around but today, she's really nowhere.

"Did she really give up? "

She asked while feeling her heart sinking. She knew it'll hurt her pushing Tzuyu away but it hurt 10 times when it actually happened.


She mumbled and looked down on her feet. She started to walk again carrying the heaviness in her heart, she wished she didn't push her away, she wished she just let her in her life love her and take care of her.

She arrived in the supermarket and immediately pull a cart. Her mom actually listed a lot, how could she carry all these stuffs all by herself. She sighed and was about to pull the cart when someone took it.

"Miss it's my ca—"

"I know"

Her heart pounded so fast like it will jump out of her chest, she look up to see the girl she's been missing for weeks. She wants to latch herself on hers, hug her tightly and ask her where she's been these past few weeks but her body didn't cooperate. She look away in an instant and took the card away from her.

"Why are you here? "

Sana asked, she wants to be sound annoyed by her presence but it sounds the other way around. Her voice betrayed her, her longing for the blonde stand out.

Tzuyu smiled and that's enough for Sana to hold back her feelings. She bit her lips and turn to Tzuyu.

"Where have you been? "

Her voice were shaking, she's happy to see her again. Tzuyu step closer and wipe the lone tear slowly going down her cheeks.

"I miss you too. "

Sana chuckled and slap Tzuyu's chest but Tzuyu just pulled her closer and hug her. She's more than happy, Sana's slowly giving in and let her enter her life.


"T-Tzu "

Sana fumbled to find words asking Tzuyu to enter their house and have lunch together. Tzuyu waited for Sana to continue but guessing that Sana was contemplating she step back.

"I'll see you tomorrow morning "

Tzuyu said and kiss her head, she's about to pull away but Sana held her shirt.

"Uh..m... Come inside "

Tzuyu smiled widely and nodded her head, she followed Sana inside and didn't bother to greet or give a glance to the people she's passing by. Sana had this smile plastered on her lips, she lead Tzuyu towards her room and let her sit on her bed. Tzuyu watch her locking the door and walk towards her.

"Let's just wait here for a while, while the maids cooking for the meal. " Sana sat beside her, she actually don't know what to do and why did she brought Tzuyu in her room.

"Uhm... So... Where have you been Tzu? "

Tzuyu turn to look at her and stop to stare at her lips. Sana saw it and she chuckled inside her head.

"I went to dye my hair "

Tzuyu replied with a serious tone causing Sana to giggle.

"But it took you two weeks Tzu "

"Did you really missed me that much? "

Tzuyu smirked and held Sana's waist. Sana got nervous as she gulped hardly while staring at Tzuyu's eyes. When she's infront of Tzuyu, what people said about her disappears. She's different yes but she's not crazy and insane. She's just someone who needs love and care, people only starts to judge her just because she don't talk too much or it's just her weird actions, but in reality Tzuyu is really special.

Sana can feel that she's fully loved and understand by Tzuyu. That Tzuyu always shows her how appreciated she was and Tzuyu always shows that she's very special and important. Tzuyu makes her feel that she's the most beautiful and only woman for her.

Now she's asking herself why, she let Nayeon and her friends poison her mind. Are they even called FRIENDS?

"Sana~ Let me love you. You don't need anyone but me. "

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