Chapter 1

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Brian is 17 years old staying with his abusive parents. They didn't let him move out of the house. They didn't gave him freedom and they wanted him to clean the whole house and follow their orders or else they will punish him.

He even attempted to leave but was caught by his father and he hitted him with a bat and he  was now planning to escape when they leave the house and also he loved werewolves and want to meet one someday. Back to the present!

Brian is  sweeping the floor and your parents gathered their things and opened the door. You better make this house spotless! Your mother said. And they walked out and slammed the door shut. And you heard them got in the car and left.

I'll find a way to get out of here and decide where to live You said and look out the window if they are really gone and you opened the door quickly and your father was there standing outside with his wrench. I knew you were tryna escape! Your father said and swungs the bat at your head and you got knocked unconscious.

??? POV

I saw You got knocked out by your abusive father and he carried you back inside the house and as i look closer, He threw you to the basement and locked the door and they clearly left the house and i walk to the back of the house and got to the basement window and wait for him to wake up.

End of POV

Time skip

You woke up and you heard someone whispered. Hey! You heard the voice and looked around and looked at the basement window and saw nothing but a femine voice. Get out of there! The femine voice said. How? You asked.

Just kick the door down and meet me outside! The voice said and you stand up and walked upstairs and the door was locked. You walked down and looked around and saw a wrench. You grabbed the wrench and began smashing the door knob and you broke free and grabbed your backpack and emptied the backpack and filled it with food and you look at the window and your parents we're leaving the car.

You quickly ran to the backyard and your father slammed the door open. Where do you think your going?! Your father shouted and ran to you. You grabbed the pan and swung it at him making him step back from the hit and you ran to rhe backyard and she isn't there. You ran towards the forest and ran and ran not stopping and you were now deep in the forest and you looked back and your father didn't chase you.

You looked around and you were surrounded by trees and it was starting to turn dark and night is coming. You quickly look for dry wood and leaves and a few minutes passed and you gathered all of them and you grabbed matches from you backpack and light up the campfire. You sighed and think about what happened  and why'd you listen to her.

You were in your thoughts and you heard a rustle from the bushes and you quickly turned to where the rustling came from and held out your frying pan and get ready to attack. The rustling stops and you were met by 4 glowing eyes. Your body suddenly stopped moving and more glowing eyes followed and you heard footsteps coming to you. and there were 5 werewolves with their spears and swords pointed at you and you heard a bow sound behind you.

You slowly turned your head and saw the black wolf with bow in hand. Drop it! The black wolf said and you dropped the pan and the black wolf withdraw his bow and and told you to follow him.

You followed him with 5 wolves pointed their weapons at you and you were uncomfortable. He noticed and told them to stand down and they followed and withdraw their weapons and tou continued to follow him up to the mountains.

(OLD) Female Alpha Werewolf x Male Named Human ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now