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She heard them talking. She couldn't tell from this distance, so she moved to the end of the woods. She could hear them now..

She wished she didn't move closer. The words they spoke were heartbreaking.

"—mean, I see what you mean. Maybe we didn't need her for defeating Gaea." Hazel said, nodding her head, a quizzical expression on her face.

"I guess.." Frank said, slowly giving in.

"See what I mean now? Annabeth is kinda useless" Piper asked.

That word repeated like a mantra through Annabeth's head.




She hated that word.

The word her bullies called her in school.

The word her step-mother used to call her.

The word her dad used to slur.

The word Minerva called her.

And now- the word her so-called "friends" called her.

Tears were spilling from Annabeth's eyes uncontrollably. She felt so betrayed.

Well, at least there's a plus to this.

Now she doesn't have to deal with these toxic people anymore.

But she had one more question.

If Leo was still alive, would he agree with his best friends? If Jason wasn't at Camp Jupiter, would he agree with his girlfriend and his fellow Romans?

Is there anyone else she can possibly trust?

She decided there and then. If she couldn't think of anyone to trust by sundown. She was going to run. Just like she did when she was an anxiety-filled, depressed, eight-year-old.

All she had to do now. Was think.

Word count: 348

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