Chapter 26

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Izuku's POV~

Waiting with Eijirou for Todoroki consisted of me shivering and him just hugging me for a few minutes.

I heard his footsteps, which alerted both of us to his approaching figure. I pulled away from Eijirou, just enough to see the duel haired boy. "You know you really didn't have to do this." I said as he walked up to us.

"You know I really had to, right?" He shot back.

Eijirou leaned down and whisperd to me, "He didn't just do it for you, Zuku."

I looked up at him in confusion. "What do you-" Eijirou placed a soft kiss on my lips cutting me off.

"You'll see." He said, after pulling away.

I looked suspiciously back at Todoroki. He was fidgeting nervously and looking around us.

"C'mon, they probably didn't go far." Eijirou said, grabbing just my hand and pulling me along with him. Todoroki was following behind us.

We only had to walk a few blocks before we heard a glass break down an alley. We all turned our attention and saw Dabi and Kacchan talking? Fighting? I couldn't really tell from where we were.

Todoroki's breath hitched.

I looked between him and Eijirou, who was smirking. "Bro, just go. You know you want to." He said to Todoroki.

Apparently he didn't need to be told twice.

Todoroki's POV~

I had been woken up at midnight by Midoriya's phone call. After it, I wanted to smack myself. How could I be so stupid and offer to go with him? Why would I put myself through that? Again.

Fuck my life.

I scrambled to get dressed and then snuck out of the dorms and off campus. It was a little tricky, but I managed.

I followed the directions on my phone to where it said Midoriya's location was. It only took me a few minutes to find him. He was snuggly wrapped up in Kirishima's arms. I was a little happy for him. He had gone through hell that whole week and he was finally happy again. But I still had my doubts.

They both turn when they heard me approaching.

"You know you really didn't have to do this." Midoriya said.

"You know I really had to, right?" I said back, meaning more than what I was actually saying.

I watched as Kirishima whispered something to him, but I couldn't hear it. I was to busy looking around and fidgeting with my sleeves to bother anyways. I was looking for... well... never mind.

They exchanged a few more words before Kirishima finally spoke to us both. "C'mon, they probably didn't go far."

My heart was racing as we walked. It was only a few blocks and only five minutes max, but it felt like an eternity.

Then there was the sound of broken glass.

We all snapped out heads to the alley that it came from. My breath hitched as I saw the two people standing there.

"Bro, just go. You know you want to." Kirishima said to me. I didn't look, but I could practically hear him smirking.

I didn't have to be told twice.

I took off at a sprint down the alley and ran right into him. His back was to me, so he had no clue what was happening. I just wrapped my arms around him, burying my face in the crook of his neck.

"Whoa- What the- Icyhot?"

I felt a hand in my hair, then he turned himself around. Grabbing my face with a surprising amount of gentleness, he looked like he was about to cry, which didn't happen often.

"Deku called you, didn't he?" He asked. I just nodded, not trusting my voice at all.

"Let me guess, you're coming with us?"

I just nodded again.

"Shoto...That's a terrible-" I cut him off, slamming my lips against his. I hadn't seen him in over a week. Unlike Midoriya, I didn't get a goodbye.

He pulled away first. "Shoto, seriously, this isn't-"

"You left me. Without a goodbye. Shut up and let me have this." I said, pulling him back into another hug.

"Okay, people have seriously got to stop running into you guys and kissing you. Oh shit, that's not gonna happen to me right? You guys ran out of friends, right? Right?" A new voice spoke up from next to us.

We pulled apart and looked over at him. Dabi.

"Well I'll be damned. You didn't tell me you were shacking up with my brother." He said to Katsuki. We both rolled our eyes at his comment.

"What. the. fuck. just. happened?"

Midoriya and Kirishima were standing behind me, hand in hand. Midoriya's eyes were wide and anyone could tell that he was beyond confused.

No one said anything.

"Why did no one tell me?! I'm so offended! Todo, you're like my best friend! And- and- oh my god, Kacchan left you to! Why wouldn't you tell me?! This week had to have been just as hard on you as it was on me. I didn't even know! Jesus, I'm a terrible friend. How the-"

Kirishima had placed a hand over his mouth, finally quieting him down. "If it makes you feel any better, I didn't know until just now." He said. "And I infiltrated a fucking high school with Bakugou, you'd think we wouldn't have secrets anymore." He said, sending a teasing glare at the blond, who still had had arms wrapped around my waist.

"No one fucking knew shitty hair. That was kind of the point." Katsuki growled from behind me, placing his chin on my shoulder as he looked at the two of them.

"But someone seemed to have missed me to much." He added.

I pushed away from him, turning to face him instead of my friend and his boyfriend. "Excuse me? You fucking left me after dropping the bomb shell that you were a fucking villain and I didn't even get a goodbye. I have a god damn right to run at you and hug you." I said seething.

He held his hands up in surrender. "I know, I know, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have just left like that." He pulled me back into his arms and I melted against him.

'Fuck I missed him.' I thought to myself.

"I won't leave again. Promise." He whispered so only I could hear it.

"Heart warming, really, but can someone explain why the two UA students are still here?"

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