Chapter 1

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Opening her eyes to the pitch blackness was nothing new to Princess Sy.

The Dirty cold stones on which she lay, the dark and damp dungeon, the putrid smell of wet walls. Thick titanium bathed shackles, jingled as her weakened body moved, Biting down on her lips for not the make a sound as the warm flow of blood recirculates in her death limbs. 

The heavy chains attached to the wall and floor left no room to move the numb limbs, as the blood flow down waking the limbs, staring a new cry of throbbing complaining of pain. 

Forgetting about the thick chain around her neck attached to the floor in the middle of the cell rooted her on the spot, as it almost chocked her, Sy sat back knee on the floor. 

Every wound, added the discomfort, her body Trembled under weakness from the blood loss from the Many knife cuts and lashes,  sitting in the center of the room legs under her, head bowed. as breathing becoming harder and harder, with every moment. Thinking of the last beating she had received, it must have broken something in her, as each time she gasped for air, a sharp pain brings her to almost collapse, Sy was left to rasped for air each time her lungs screamed. 

Her body shivered in the cold as only a light thin cloth covered her naked flesh.

Despite the weekend state, her hearing picks up the sound of unhurried footsteps, approaching her cell door.

Uncousiclousy a whimper left her lips. being a seer, Sy knew what the person brings for her is more Pain, resigned to her fate, Sy's head drop forward.

The door the cell opened bringing in the harsh cold wind with it.

Sy's heart jumped in her throat ready to escape, but otherwise, her body stayed where it was, there is no point in running or even scrambling anyways. The only door to escape the cell is heavy guard by the dragons and soldiers loyal to her Majesty the Queen Terra. They will rather have their Princess killed then escaped, After all, no one dares to stand against the Queen, No one can, No One will.

The Person entered the room, With him came three more. one immediately went a lite up the room by whispering magic. The darkroom slowly and steadily lite up with the golden glow. 

"Good Evening Sister, " Greeted the newcomer, a smile can be heard in his voice. making Sy to look up.

In a Proud golden robe, Embroidered with green thread in a regal but beautiful design, his long golden-brown hair tied up in an elegant pony his spiked dragon crown adding the arrogant and grace. Prince Sol looked like a graceful Dragon. 

Seeing an older sibling should bring joy to a younger's heart, but all Sy felt was fear and saw was Ice-cold hatred,  The Eyes that once wept with her now holds pure disguised towards her.  


Before Sy could finish her words, The Prince moved with lightning speed and with a force of thunder backhanded Sy adding more pain to her broken body.

"You have lost the Privled to call me that." The Prince sneered, "The moment you embrace the bond with a Demons!.... You are nothing but a disgrace to our family." Fisting Sy's loosen Hair to set her upright, shoving a vile of purple liquid to Sy's lips The Prince Commanded. "Drink!!" 

Dazed, As she Pleads, "B-Brother" Sy tried to move her head away from the putrid vile, but the hard pull to her hair made sure she stayed.

"Drink," The Prince growled, "  or I will shove the vial with the glass down your throat...hmm maybe then we see how strong of a bond you have? Huh?"

No, not her mates.

Blinking the tears away, with a heavy-heart, Sy opened her mouth. Soon she was tasting the bitter liquid, as it burned down her throat. Sy coughed, chocking on the burn, but The Prince kept pouring the liquid until it was all gone. 

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