Chapter Three

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Chapter Three.

I never even thought about seeing Nate again when I was debating whether or not to return home for the summer. I was really only thinking about my family and some of my old friends.

Nate Anderson. My first crush which means he was also my first obsession. I was a little thirteen year old in love. Well maybe not love, how do I put it. I thought I was in love with him. I had good reasons for being so madly obsessed with him though.

My first reason was that he's two years older then me. Don't girls always fall for the older boys? Or is it just me? I don't know there's something about them.

Maybe you feel as if they can protect you from anything bad that could happen to you because you think since their older there smarter and have a better understanding of the world.

Maybe it's cause there more mature then the boys your own age who still laugh at the most childish things.

I don't think I need to give any examples here I'm sure every girl has samples of this popping into her mind.

My second reason would be that he was always so nice to me. It's so awkward for a girl at the age of thirteen. Well it was for me anyway. Especially with my short haircut it was even harder for me because my mom kept repeating that I looked like a boy, not something a teenage girl is interested in hearing.

When I turned thirteen and found out I was going to boarding school I had five weeks before I left and in those five weeks was when my obsession with Nate began.

It actually happened on the evening of my birthday. The family was gathered in the living room and I was opening my presents. Nate was like a part of the family and he had always gotten me something small on my birthday since I turned ten.

I always appreciated it but this time it meant a lot more to me. I opened his gift to find a charm bracelet with five charms on it.

There was a Mickey and Minnie Mouse charm to symbolize my love for Disney, a "H" for my name, a love heart symbolizing my big heart, the Statue of Liberty symbolizing how much I love New York and the letter N for Nate.

When I asked why he had gotten his own name on it he said that all the charms on it were stuff that were important to me and obviously he was the most important thing out of my whole life so he had to include himself in the charms.

Obviously he was joking around with what he said but it had got me thinking about how important he was and how great he was.

That night of my birthday I opened the door when he went to leave and he simply kissed my cheek, wished me happy birthday and left.

From that moment I knew that I Hanna Taylor felt something for Nate Anderson.

You see how obsessed I sounded? But don't tell me that no other girl acted that way with their first crush.

I bet some others were even worse then that. It's not like I cut off some of his hair or kept it, I just couldn't stop thinking about him.

I never took the bracelet off either. I was convinced that it was a good luck charm seeing as the night I got it I got my first kiss from a boy even if it was on the cheek. It still counted.

I still wear the charm bracelet to this very day. It is beautiful and it still brings me luck, well I believe it does anyway.

When I was over in boarding school and anyone asked me why I wore the bracelet all the time that was easy to answer, I just told them what I told you. That I believed it was a good luck charm and also it's really pretty.

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