Chapter 7 - Tomorrow?

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I start online school tomorrow >:/
Anyway, this chapter will be fairly short, I have to do some stuff for band.
Stay tuned for some interesting things in a few chapters!
Riley's POV
July 16

It's been almost an hour, what's going on? As I sat in the waiting room for Maya to come out of surgery, I fiddled with my phone. My mother was talking on the phone, presumably about work. I decided to visit Maya's Instagram, and I scrolled to one of the posts. It was a picture of her and I, and the caption said "my favorite color is you." Aw. But then I saw the comments. Fag. Slut. Hoe. Oh god, these comments are terrible! I sighed, and decided to put on my music. I opened pandora, and played a random station. Wait. Is it actually playing girl in red? Wow Pandora. I audibly laughed, then settled into my chair.

Right as the clock struck 11:30, I was told Maya was okay and was ready for visitors again. Topenga stayed to finish her phone call, then a doctor led me to Maya's room. "Hey Peaches!" "Hey Riles." "How'd it go?" I asked, sitting on the edge of the bed. "It went okay, but they had to redo some of them because some idiot did them wrong," she explained. "Wow, that really sucks." "Yeah." Why is this so awkward? Is something wrong? We sat in silence. For the first time today I looked up at the clock. "Oh my god, it's midnight!" I exclaimed. "Holy shit!" Maya said. Maybe she can sleep over, and I can tell her. Maybe? I don't know, im just afraid she won't love me back, and it'll be awkward, and she'll abandon me... "Do you wanna just stay the night at my house, since your mom isn't there?" I asked. She shrugged. "Sure, I guess. I'll need to get some clothes, though." "You can borrow some of mine if you want!" I suggested. I love her so much. I'm gonna tell her. Right now? No. Maybe before bed.

As we sat and chatted, a doctor came in. "Alright Maya, it looks like your ready to be discharged! We just gotta inform you on how to take care of them and then you can leave!" the doctor said. "Thank god."Maya sighed. She got up out of bed, and we walked down to the receptionist desk where Topenga was waiting for us. "You guys ready to leave?" "Very much, yes," Maya said. "Oh mom, can Maya stay the night? Since her mom isn't home?" I asked hopefully. "Sure honey." she said. I can finally tell her. I can't believe I've had feelings for her for years and I haven't told her. But, then again, I didn't realize I was gay until about a year ago. You know what? I'm just gonna do it. If I tell her, It'll be off my chest. We exited the hospital, and my dad was waiting outside the car under a spotlight. "Hey trooper! How'd it go?" He exclaimed. "It went fine, some idiot messed some of the stitches up so they had to redo them." Maya said. "That sucks," he said. He looked down at his watch, then Cory ushered us into the van. I'll tell her tomorrow.

The house was a good forty minutes away, so the drive lasted a bit. To one side of me, Auggie leans against the door, fast asleep. To my other side, Maya lays against my shoulder, presumably asleep, with earbuds in. I wish these moments would last forever. We continued through the night until we reached our apartment. Topenga grabbed Auggie, and Cory attempted to pick up Maya. "She's so heavy!" he yell-whispered. I laughed, and we walked into the apartment.

While Topenga put Auggie in bed, dad carefully set Maya onto the couch, and went to help Topenga. "Maya," I whispered. She stirred, but didn't wake. "Maya, you gotta wake up." "why..." she uttered. "So you can go lay in a real bed and we can snuggle." That got her up. She took a deep yawn, then followed me to my room. While we got changed, we were laughing and making jokes about Maya's stitches. "If I find them in my bed tomorrow, I'm gonna use them to staple us together!" I exclaimed. "Alright, bet!" she said. After we finished, we hopped into bed and Maya decided it'd be a good idea to tickle me. "Stop! We're gonna get in trouble!" I laughed. She stopped, and we finally settled down. "So, where's that cuddle you promised me?" Maya said, arms crossed. I rolled my eyes, then rolled over to face her. She's so pretty. I don't know what I'd do without her. "Whatcha doin?" Maya said. Whoops. Stared to long. "Nothin. We should probably go to sleep, it's like 1:00." I suggested. She agreed, and we finally laid down and tried to sleep. "So no cuddles?" she complained. I laughed, then flipped over and wrapped my hands around her waist. This is nice. "G'night Riles." "Night." I wish this happened more often, moments like these. These quality moments that I'll remember forever. I'm gonna tell her. Soon. I was pulled out of my mind by the sound of Maya's snoring. I just love her so much. Before I knew it, I found myself drifting off into a peaceful sleep.
I left this in my drafts for like 3 hours and kept changing stuff
so, as I said in the beginning, this book won't be very long (most likely less than 20 chapters). HOWEVER, I will start a new book afterwards (maybe about GMW or something else, I'm thinking something Marvel related? Lemme know what you think)

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