Chapter 20

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Sorry for the short chapter, but like I said, I will be updating regularly now so be sure to tune in tomorrow for more! Please vote, comment and follow for notifications when I upload. I hope you love reading this story as much as I love writing it, and if you do just know your reads, comments and voted mean the world to me! Happy reading!
Zolas POV
I think they thought I couldn't hear them. They thought I was downstairs with the baby. He spit up, again. I went to get him a new onesie, and they hadn't seen me standing in the doorway.
I had figured there was greater reason behind her visit; Ms.Treys doesn't seem like the type to come hang out for a while.
Thoughts are swarming my head as I hold Isaac's teddy bear to my chest in the nursery rocking chair where I had ran when the conversation ended, before they saw me.
I keep going through the same cycle of what ifs in my head, round and round the carousel. It won't stop turning. I can't get off.
Does Michael know about his mother's plan? Is that why he was so angry to see her?
When I got pregnant, I thought the beginning of Isaac's life would be the end of mine. I didn't want a baby, but I got one. One minute I'm a teenager, the next I'm knocked up, about to be a mom.
Well, a few things happened in between.
But the point is, now that I am a mother, I wouldn't have it any other way. I replay Andrew and Maggie's recent conversation in my head.
"She's wants sole custody?"
"Yeah. Mer is calling her lawyer right now, but she is keeping the whole thing quiet if she can."
"Is that lady serious? Has she said anything about it since showing up unannounced, mid-afternoon?"
"I'll fill in Amelia later, she's on call at the hospital right now."
"Do you think you could try and calm down Meredith?"
She nods.
"And," he continues, "Don't tell Zola."
I shake it from my mind and run back down the the stairs, forgetting about the onesie entirely. I don't ussualy act without thinking, but when I grab sleeping Isaac from Ms.Treys arms, waking him up in the process, thinking is the last thing I'm doing. I let every ounce of rage, panic and fear that I'm feeling because of this bitch overcome me, and all eyes are staring in my direction. Still, as if something inside of me has physically clicked, I'm in full protective mode, proving to me that every decision leading up to this point has been right; for a reason.
"Stay away from my baby! You don't get to swoop in after the whole pregnancy, the endless nights in the NICU, and think you get to be in his life. You don't get to take my baby away!"
"Zola-" Micheal says, sounding as worried as he was confused. He places his hand on my shoulder for a moment before waving his mother out the door.
The adults in the room exchange glances, and I can hear Andrew whisper to my mom and Aunt Maggie-
"I think she knows."

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