"Give me my food back!" You heard Niall yell as you walked through the door of your flat. The boys must be over...You didn't want to be bothered at the moment because I had a massive headache and I had major cramps. As I was changing Niall came in and hugged you. "Hey love, you feeling okay?" He asked kissing your head. "Yeah just a little headache and a few cramps" You said wrapping your arms around his waist. "Okay sweetie, tell me if you need anything" He smiled pecking your lips. As he let go of you to head downstairs.
As you went downstairs you grabbed your Iphone on the way down. "There she is!" Louis screeched while tackling me in a bear hug "Yes,I love you too now let me go!" You said ripping out of his grip and walking away to go outside. "Somebody is on there period" You heard Lou mutter earning a death glare from you and a smack on the head from Eleanor.
I played "Fix a Heart by Demi Lovato" to calm me down a bit. While lying there I decided to check twitter. My mentions were filled up with hate. "Slut, whore,fat,ugly,bitch," All those words just because I was dating Niall. I soon just broke down into tears burying my head in my hands. "Hey (Y/N) where is the, Woahh what happened?" Lou said rushing over to me. I just simply handed him my cell. "Come here" He said holding me and letting me cry into his shoulder. "Can you get Niall please?" You said in between tears "Sure" He said kissing my head and walking inside to get him
"(Y/N)! What happened? he yelled running out the back door. I couldn't even speak I was crying so much. I handed my cell phone while I kept crying. "Come here baby" He said picking you up and sitting you in his lap letting you cry into his shoulder "Shhh Don't cry baby. You know all that hate isn't true. You are beautiful, you are NOT fat, You are beautiful just the way you are." He said rocking you back and forth. "I love you so much Niall. Thank you for everything" You said wiping your tears away curling up in his lap. "I love you too" He said smiling and kissing your lips. "EW PDA! Ahh my eyes!" Lou yelled breaking us apart. "Louis get your arse back in this house now!" Eleanor yelled at him causing me and Niall to giggle. As you curled back up in his lap he kissed you on the forehead and you two stayed out there for atleast a good hour before you fell asleep.
Sorry its so bad! I will be updating daily so like yeah ENJOY! :)