Long Niall Imagine

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Niall's Pov

As I walked through the door to mine in (Y/N) flat I heard her crying and our little 1 month year old daughter Stephanie crying. When I walked into her room I saw (Y/N) sitting on the ground with tears falling down her face and Stephanie screaming and crying. "Come here sweetheart" I said picking her up and holding her in my arms. She was shaking in my arms trying to quit crying. "Shh it's okay sweetie" I said letting her cry into my shoulder. "I can't deal with this anymore! I can't get her to stop crying. I am such a terrible mother" She sobbed into my shoulder."No your not. You are a perfect mother. Now I will get him to sleep and how about you go rest." I said taking her into our bedroom and lying her down in our bed. 

Your Pov

As he lied me down in our bed he kissed my forehead and went to go take care of Stephanie. I curled up under the duvet and heard Stephanie calming down. About 10 minutes later Niall came in. "See, i took care of her. Now you need to get some sleep." He said sitting down next to you stroking your hair. "Thank you" you said leaning up kissing him on the lips "It's no problem. Now get some sleep" He said. Nex thing I knew I was asleep.

As I woke up I heard Niall singing outside our bedroom door. Being curious I got up quietly and opened the door and saw him singing to Stephanie. As he stopped singing he turned around to do something. "That was beautiful" You said smiling up at him. "I love you" He said leaning over kissing you on the lips. As you two pulled a part you looked down at Stephanie to see her all wide eyed staring at Niall "Babe I think he is hungry" Niall mumbled blushing causing you to giggle. What he means is that you breast feed Stephanie. "Bab you have seen me do it before." You said kissing his cheek. "I know it just makes me feel weird when I'm talking about it." He chuckles handing Stephanie over. "Will you atleast help me?" You said giving him the puppy dog face. "Uggh I guess, just don't do that face again!" He whined

"Dude you have to lift my shirt up, You can't just let it hang over her while I am feeding her!." You told Niall while giggling trying to watch him help you, Finally you got your shirt and bra off and was finally feeding her. "Hand me that blanket please" You asked Niall "Sure thing sweet cheeks" He said handing you the blanket. While covering up your chest Niall spoke up "Why do you always do that? I am the only one here you know." He said winking at you. "Haha very funny" You said rolling your eyes. He came and set next to you lying his head on your shoulder. "I hope she turns out as beautiful as you are" He said making you blush. 

As you finsihed feeding Stephanie, you put your bra and shirt back on. Niall sat back down next to you kissing your forehead. "She is beautiful." He said with a tear running down his cheek. "Aww baby don't cry." You said kissing his forehead wiping his tears away."You girls are my world." He said kissing Stephanie's forehead making me tear up. " I love you guys so much." He said kissing your lips and then lying his head on your shoulder. " I love you too" You said wiping your own tears away.

As you put Stephanie down in her crib Niall picked you up carrying you downstairs and sitting on the couch with you on his lap. "Thank you for being such a great dad and husband. I love you so much." You said lying your head in the crook of his neck "I love you too baby girl." He said kissing your head.

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