Chapter 15

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Annabeth POV

I don't trust Apollo. 

In the prophecy, it says " face the god who has turned." And we could be dealing with titans, as Luke had a dream with someone who sounded like Kronos. Artemis and Apollo are half titan. And Percy fought Apollo. Even if it was a training fight, it was still a fight none the less.

I'll keep my eyes on that sun god.

Luke POV

I can't believe Percy beat two Olympians in battle, at the same time!!

And I though I was a good swordsman.

The way he fought was with such elegance and grace. He was so agile. But he also used a lot of force. It was so skillful. I need him to teach me some of those moves.

I was about to ask him for lessons, when Lady Artemis said it was time we ate, as it was sunset. That was weird. They can't possibly eat at sunset everyday.

The food here is awesome. I don't know what it is, but it's delicious.

I asked Percy about it, he said it was most likely deer.

That was not comforting. I think I might be sick. I must have been going green or something, because one of the hunter told me I should go puke in the lake, not by people eating dinner.

So I did just that. I ran to the lake, to vomit my dinner up.

Percy POV

Dinner was delightful. Except from the fact that Luke had to go barf in the lake.

He didn't seem to like the idea of eating deer. Which is weird. It's not like he's vegetarian. He eats burgers all the time. Maybe it's the fact that the deer were raised wild, and in the woods. I think food tastes better like that, but I don't know.

After dinner, I go down to the arena. I hack and slash at the dummies. Ugh. So predictable. Well, I guess they can't move. I need a sparing parter.

I'd ask Luke, but he's too busy hurling his dinner into the lake. I'd ask Annabeth, but she's got the dagger, and it's hard to spare with a dagger. I'd ask one of the hunters, but I don't know what they'd say. I'd ask Artemis, but she seemed busy when I left dinner. Rapped up in her thoughts.

I decide on ask a hunter. But turns out, I didn't need to.

All of hunters came down to the arena. "You never said no, to fighting all of us at once."

"No, I didn't. But I never said yes," I say, "until now."

Then, we fight. With the odds I have-twenty-five to one- it's not looking to good. But then again, two gods vs one demigod with barely any training looks bad too. And I did that.

I go straight on offense. Since I can't kill, for obvious reasons, I have to disarm, a lot.

I'm glad Luke gave me this backpack. Yes, I wore the backpack to training, deal with it.

Back ontrack. The backpack can expand to fit anything into it. Including weapons.

I unzip the bag and fight with the my normal sword. With my other hand, I throw the weapons in my bag. Slowly, but surely, all the hunters are disarmed.

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