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For entertainment purposes only. The characters (except Andrew Xander) and setting belong to J.K. Rowling. Please do not reupload this work, translated or otherwise, on any platform.



"C'mon, Hermione!" Ginny calls as Harry gives her one last kiss on the cheek. "We've got to leave now!"

Harry came to see Ginny off as she returns to redo her sixth year at Hogwarts. I've chosen to redo my seventh year, but Harry and Ron decided to find jobs at the Ministry instead rather than come back.

Ron. He was unable to come for some reason, and he and I haven't really spoken about the kiss in the Chamber of Secrets. I mean, how do I even start that conversation? I'd prefer to just hope that soon the pieces will fall into place, but maybe I should just let him go. Maybe I'll leave it up to fate to decide. If he wants to talk, we can, but if he doesn't... then I guess I'll see.

"Alright, Ginny!" I reply, and waving to my parents, who came with me, I board the Hogwarts Express for my final year at Hogwarts.


I watch from an empty compartment as Granger waves to her parents and climbs onto the train after Weaslette. I see Loony Lovegood trailing after the two with Longbottom at her heels.

"Hey, mate," a voice says flatly, and my head whips around to find Blaise Zabini, pretty much my only friend, staring at me. "What's wrong? You seem distracted."

Right, Blaise is supposed to be one of the less assholic, politer Slytherins who changed after the war.

"Nothing, Zabini," I reply distantly as the express begins to leave King's Cross. Except that it's anything but nothing. Ever since my father was put into Azkaban permanently after the war, my mother hasn't been herself. I wasn't sure if I should've even come back to Hogwarts for my final year, since I didn't want to leave her alone, but she insisted.

"I'll be alright, Draco. You ought to finish your education," she said, a dull look in her eyes. "Really."

"Okay, Mother. I'll go and pack," I replied.

I ran up the stairs, taking out my suitcase and packing it carefully.

"Echo," I called as I grabbed my favourite shirt and folded it neatly.

In an instant, a House-elf dressed in an extra small white t-shirt, black sweatpants, and a pair of sparkly dark green shoes appears at the entrance of the door.

"Yes, Master Draco?" she asked, bowing low.

Echo is my mother's caretaker. She cooks for her and makes sure that Mother gets whatever she needs everyday. She's the only servant in the entire house, and she has her own room and also a weekly salary, which I had to insist on a million times before she finally accepted on the terms that she's allowed to deny vacations and clean the manor without extra pay. I didn't object, only because I knew that was probably the best deal I could make with her.

I suppose it's strange, my sudden change toward servants, but after the war, I vowed to change dramatically so I could never be like him ever again. I decided to release all of the servants, giving them five Galleons each, though I asked for one House-elf to stay. I didn't expect any of them to want to, but Echo did. I think she's grown to have a good relationship with Mother.

"Alright, I need to ask you a favor."

"Anything, sir."

"Keep a close eye on Mother, please. If anything seems off, use Duke and owl me immediately. You know where he's kept, of course."

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