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"Alright, listen," I stammer, and Ginny folds her arms. She doesn't look mad, rather just annoyed for some reason. As does Zabini, but there's a gleam in his eye that I can't interpret. "For the past few weeks we've been-" I shoot Malfoy a glance, trying to ask him if I should tell them about his 'sessions'. He gives me a helpless expression and shrugs.

"We know," Zabini interrupts, and Malfoy's eyes go wide.

"You knew?" he demands. "Since when?!"

"We heard you a few days ago," Ginny explains, her face a tad red. "But we weren't going to interrupt you."

For some reason, Zabini smirks at Malfoy. "You seemed to be having fun."

Ginny smacks his arm as soon as the words leave his lips. "They weren't doing that!"

"We weren't doing what?" Malfoy demands, and then it registers in my brain, and my mouth falls open.

"Blaise Zabini!" I shout. "You did not just imply that we were-"

"-shagging? Really mate? That's what you thought we were doing?" Malfoy interrupts, his neck turning a faint red. "We were studying!"

"You were?" Zabini asks, now incredulous. "Why do you need to do that?"

"So that's where you've been running off to?" Ginny demands, and my face goes red with both embarrassment and fury.

"He asked to keep it private! And we'd probably both prefer that you two not mention this to anyone! We were looking at the stars and fell asleep," I say.

"Just... let's have a mutual agreement, alright?" Malfoy asks Ginny, and I look at Zabini.

"And not mentioning this," I add.

"Fine," they both sigh.

"Who knew Weaslette could cooperate?" Malfoy snickers.

"Alright, Malfoy," Ginny sighs, and crosses her arms. "The next time you call me 'Weaslette', I'm calling you 'Ferret'."

"You wouldn't," he snarls, and I see a hint of his old self creeping back.

"Try me, Ferret," she replies with the same menace. I'm worried that this is taking a sour turn, when he suddenly sighs and asks, "So then what do I call you?"

"Weasley, obviously. Unless you want to call me Ginny," she smirks.

"Fine," he replies, scowling. "But piss me off and I will call you Weaslette."

"Same goes for you, Malfoy," she replies, matching his tone again.

The corner of his mouth lifts slightly. "You drive a hard bargain, but you've got a deal. Weasley."


"Alright, so last year, we looked at Amortentia, Felix Felicis, and a few other potions," Professor Slughorn says as soon as class starts. "Who can remind the class what Amortentia is?"

As per usual, Granger's hand shoots up, and like last time, she recites the correct answer.

"The scent changes with who smells the potion, according to what attracts them. If given to someone, it causes them to be obsessed or infatuated with someone - or something."

"Correct! Ten points to Gryffindor!" Professor Slughorn exclaims. "And after days of deliberation, I've decided that I shall let you all smell the Amortentia for a few seconds, but on the condition that you are to not try to taste the potion. I meant what I said two years ago: it is the most dangerous potion in this classroom. Alright, now please form a line!"

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