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Merlin, what was I thinking, telling her that? I sounded like a bloody idiot!

But she doesn't know what you meant, I reassure myself.

She could figure it out!

Why did you even say it, though?

Because it was true!

Was it?


And that's what's going on in my head as I run up my staircase like a coward, leaving Hermione in confusion.

Still calling her Hermione. Why am I calling her that? Call her Granger!

I can't explain how I feel right now. Happy? Nervous? Confused? Upset? Maybe all of them.

There's a letter on my desk, and no owl in sight. Draco Malfoy, is written on the envelope, and I recognize it as Mother's handwriting.


I'm fine, and you should be focusing on your work. I've been eating well and sleeping enough, and you need to calm down.



There's something wrong with this letter. Mother usually sends paragraphs demanding to know how my life at school has been, and she's normally the worrier. Fine? She's never been so... casual when writing; she always uses the word 'alright'.

I'm going home.


I would be thinking about what Malfoy had said to me last night, but I'm too absorbed in my work and the news that Neville and Luna are no longer together.

"He broke up with me, Hermione. We agreed to stay friends, and that's that," Luna says calmly.

"Are you sure you're alright?" I ask for the millionth time. I suppose not all break ups are horrible, but I'm still shocked that Neville broke it off with Luna.

"He said something about Hannah Abbott," she muses, and my eyes widen.

"Hannah Abbott?" Ginny demands as we keep walking down the halls to the Great Hall for dinner.

"He couldn't keep leading me on, and besides, I've already found someone else," she says simply.

"Who?" Ginny asks.

"Rolf Scamander. Ginny knows him, he's in our year, and we both-"

"Scamander?" I interrupt excitedly. "Is he related to Newt Scamander?"

Luna lets out an airy laugh. "Hermione, Newt's his grandfather. Takes after him, actually. We both like, well, fantastic beasts."

"That's amazing!" I exclaim, and Ginny sighs.

"You better not be ditching Malfoy for him," she says half-jokingly, and Luna tilts her head to the side, an odd smile on her face.

"Are you two-" she starts to ask.

"No!" I interrupt furiously. "It's not like that."

"It never is," Luna points out, and I sigh.

"And why are you so red?" Ginny teases, and I walk away without commenting, seating myself between Parvati and Neville.

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