Latrelle X Reader

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This was a request by luicidbirlem
Hope you enjoy.

Your pov:

"Ah fuck.." I groaned as I lay down on the bed, staring at the fan above me. I could feel the aching in my abdomen, the incessant cramping. The way my heart pounded against my chest trying desperately to replace the blood I was loosing. My heavy breathing was the only thing I heard until my boyfriend slammed the door open and walked in casually. He laid back beside me and kept his eyes glued on his phone.

I moaned in pain but he still kept his attention there, murmuring to himself. After a few seconds, he put his phone up higher and tilted it. "Dammit,how can I get this picture bigger?" He muttered. I swear hes like a grandpa with technology but as soon as I was about to help him, a powerful cramp made me cry out. He looked at me in confusion.

"What's wrong, princessa(princess)? You don't look so well." He said, looking me over. I could feel my temper raise at his dismissive attitude. I just scoffed and shot out of bed despite my aching body. "olvídalo(Forget it)." I groaned as i walked over to the bathroom. "Oh come on princess, don't be like that." Before I could slam the bathroom door, he had his foot at the corner blocking it. His face looked less than pleased and I'm sure he was as angry as I was. "Wanna try again, baby-girl?" He warned

That was it for me.
Listen L, I'm in pain, I'm agitated, and I'm not playing this game with you! I just wanna be left alone and deal with all these cramps and this aggression that's coming from you out of no where!" My eyes filled with tears but instead of being met with glaring daggers, I felt him pull me into him, embracing me tightly against him. "How can I make it better?" He asked, completely surprising me by sheer gentleness in his voice. I sniffled and looked up, feeling my cramps wrack my body in waves. "There's really nothing you can do, I just have to ride them out." I said as I begin to pull away. He wasn't convinced, though. He kept his grip on my wrists and glared down at me. "There's gotta be something, maybe some pills? Drugs?" He suggested, gently taking hold of my chin, his eyes staring intensely into mine.

I blushed for a moment as my mind raced. I know he would regularly do drugs, indulge in alcohol, but he wouldn't be alright with me partaking. He made that very clear. He probably knew I was in pain and didn't want me to suffer so maybe that's why he overlooked those rules he set. But I did think of something. Something to help with the pain. I had never attempted it but it was a popular theory. One I had no desire to investigate.

There is one thing, but it's crazy. And gross." I sighed, pulling away from him and walking to the bed. He followed closely behind me. "Name it princess. " He said impatiently. "I've heard that people...actually u-um it's kinda disgusting L." I said,feeling my body heat up. I could already feel my cramps subside but not all the way. He grinned. "Disgusting? Me? C'mon baby, you know I thrive on muck!" He laughed out.

"Well, in that case um.. some people have.. sex to ease the pain." I looked down at my fingers entwined together, too afraid of his reaction. After many seconds I couldn't stand the quiet, I sighed and looked up but before I knew it, he had seized my lips with his own, pushing me back onto the bed. I was surprised and broke the kiss immediately. "L, Really?" I asked, watching him grin and plant his lips on mine again. He didn't speak as he expertly slid his fingers around my breasts and yanked open my button-up top. He pressed his body down onto mine and I could feel the need between his legs. When did that happen? I just brought up sex two seconds ago and he was ready. He kissed down my neck as he slipped his hands down between our bodies and I could hear the familiar sound of his zipper. I couldn't help the smile on my face as he pulled slightly back and proceeded to take off my leggings, but I stop him.

"Stop.. lets not do this, it's gonna get messy." I said in embarrassment. He chuckled as he brought his hand up to my neck. "You know better than that, baby. Don't be shy with me, just let go." He said leaning over me, kissing me once again. I nodded against him, loving the way his warm body felt against mine. I could feel my pain subside with each passing second. When his fingers hooked on my panties, I couldn't have been more embarrassed. He yanked it down and I looked up and away from the sight, kissing him, hoping to distract him from the sight as he threw the padded underwear to the side.

I could feel the cold air bite at my agitated privates, it was not a welcome feeling. But then I felt him, above me, reaching down and gripping his huge penis,and slipping it easily between my folds. "Fuuukkk," he growled throatily. I watched as his eyes rolled back, he couldn't even focus on kissing me. He pulled back and looked down in awe. "So.. wet." He was entranced.

He slipped himself deep inside this time, adding on to the pain I was feeling but then as he bucked his hips faster against me, I could feel the fire grow and the pain subside. I had my arms around his neck, feeling his lips on my neck as we moaned into each others ears. His body worked slowly yet quickly when it counted, moving against my writhing one. I could feel juices,or maybe blood, flowing easily out under me. But right now, I didn't care.

With all the pleasure growing inside me, I felt myself near the edge. My moans grew louder as Latrelle fucked me faster, harder, with every agonizingly pleasurable second passing, I couldn't hold on. The ride was too much. Without warning I tightened my hold on him as my body tensed and I moaned out my orgasm. I could feel him grinning ear to ear as he sped up, savoring my delicious tightness and , with a few final strokes, he let out a throaty groan and felt him collapse on top of me.

I looked at him, studying his features, feeling myself bleed more. But for some reason I couldn't care enough to take action. He grinned and sat up, looking at the blood stain under me. He brought his head closer to mine.

"Feel better princess?" He asked

I blinked when I noticed the pain was gone entirely. I smiled wide and kissed him. I still wanted more..

"I do papi." I say knowing that it will get me another round.

Author's note: Hope you enjoyed reading. Hope this is what you wanted❤️.
I'll post again once this gets 10 votes my lovelies .

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