Chapter 3

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I was paralyzed I couldn't move away from him I stood there my back against the hard wood. Mate? No. I can't be anyone's mate no I can't.

I finally decided to move my neck to face him. He was stunningly good looking... NO! NO! This is Silas h-he he no he can't be.. Please tell me he's someone else..

"Who are you? What's your name?" I asked shakily hoping for a name that wasn't who I thought it was..

He looked at me confused, "I'm your mate, and my name is Silas. What's your name love."

My heart dropped. Silas. H-he's my mate? I backed up more to the tree frighten to even be a inch close to him but my wolf wanted him to touch me but I had more control and scooted farther away from him which earn me a deep growl from him.

"S-Skyler.." I said my voice cracking I was terrified what will he do to me I have to get out of here as I was going to turn my back on him but he grabbed my arm.

"Where do you think you're going!" He yelled his eyes still staring at me deeply.

"I-I." was speechless.

"Come on let's go to our house." he said pulling me so that I walk behind him.

Our house? No, I don't live with him I have to go back I can't leave my family behind.I pulled back holding my ground I couldn't leave.

"Love, you're making me lose my patience!" he snapped.

I knew that what I said next wasn't the smartest thing in the world especially since I could be killed by him but it was true "I'm not going anywhere with you. I am going back to my f-family." I said in a voice with confidence but failed.

He was in my face all of the sudden and gave me a evil grin. "Oh love." He chuckled which sent shivers through my spine "you act like you have any choice in the matter. If you refuse to come I'll drag you to the house and kill your family in front of you without hesitation. Do I make myself clear. You'll come with me that's final"

"W-what?.." Kill my family? my kids? No I will not have that. "Don't you dare lay a finger on one of them I swear I'll-." I got angry pretty sure my hazel eyes were pitch black now.

"You will do what love?" he taunted.

"Fine. I'll go with you. But in one condition." I said with my head held up high.

"And what's that?" he said.

"Let me see them one more time. Please." I asked softly.

He looked at me wondering if he would let me or not the agonizing seconds felt like hours but he gave a stiff nod "Okay."

I closed my eyes and sighed in relief "Thank you."

"But if you try anything you'll be planing one of your family members funeral."

"I won't I promise." I wouldn't let my family suffer for this.

We walked together to the mansion and I admired it one last time remembering every detail and cherish them. I turn to face him "I'll be back in 5 minutes max."

He looked at me and nodded "And if you're not back you know what I'll do."

I felt like killing him just by him even getting near them. And I turned and walked into the house looking up to the large stairs and began walking them my hand on the cool wood railing and started to head to the kids room.

I walked in to see all of them tuck in and fast asleep. I smiled weakly staring at all of them remembering every 'Attack' they would do to me the hugs and scratches I chuckled at that. I loved every single one of them when Maggie brought them in.

I walked up to Lauren bed and looked at her she was so little. I remembered how she would always say she wanted sharp claws like my wolf because she wanted to scratch Collin face off for 'being mean'. I extracted my wolf claws and ripped of one claw off and hissed softly and laid it on her bedside. And did that to every kid even Christian because even though he showed no emotion toward me I loved him to death hell I love every single one of them like that.

I walked out the room and was at the front door already I looked back at the house I grew up in and felt a tear fall down and quickly wiped it off and walked out.

I speeded to Silas side and walked we were surrounded by 3 wolves and me and Silas were in the middle and walked up to a large black hummer. I got in and sat by the window and looked out to the crescent mood shinning bright and I closed my eyes and suddenly drifted off to sleep.

I heard the car door open and slowly open my eyes and saw Silas trying to reach up to me as to pick me up but I backed away which got him angry but turn away. I got off the car seat and walk behind him and caught the view of an enormous mansion that made Maggie's place look like an apartment.

"Wow.." I said admiring the view in front of us.

He turned to look at me and smirked "This is our house my love. I hope it's up to your satisfaction."

"House? This place is more then just 'a house' it huge" I looked around "My god how much space do you need." I asked bewildered.

"My pack lives in that section." he pointed to the left side of the mansion "And this my love is our place." He pointed to the right.

He started to move to 'Our side' of the mansion and I followed better not to piss this alpha off. Well right now. He opened the large door and I glance at the enormous staircase two on each side a large chandelier at the very top twinkling and the color scheme consisted of cream, light brown, dark brown and black it was breath taking.

"Love? Would you like some dinner?" He asked.

I shook my head "No thanks." I lost my appetite since I just found out my mate is a ruthless killer. "I just want to go to bed."

He looked at me and nodded we walked up the stairs and he lead me to a bunch of twists and turns I got dizzy and complete lost track. He came to stop and I slammed into his back. "Crap sorry." I said and he just ignored it.

He twisted the doorknob and push the door open. I walked in next to him and saw a large room with a California-size king bed covered in white sheets and a couple of pillows and everything look so nice and comfy I just wanted to roll up in the covers and sleep but before I did anything he spoke.

"This is our room."

Wait. What?!?!? Our room oh no that's not happening I'm not sleeping with a monster.

"Excuse me?" I said

"This is our room. Is that a problem?" he asked.

I swallowed the lump in my throat I had to be strong. I have to put my foot down on this one. No way in hell I would sleep in the same bed as him.

"Yes. Yes there is I don't feel comfortable sleeping in bed with you." I said in a strong voice and he just raised his eyebrow at me.

"You're my mate." he said in a low voice walking up to me but I backed away till my back hit the cool white wall. "How can you not want to be in the same bed with me ." He growled.

I was scared shitless but I had to be strong no way I could let him intimidate me. I held up my head high "I'm not sleeping in the same room as you Silas."

He closed his eyes trying to compose himself or maybe his wolf because it seem like his wolf didn't like being rejected by anyone especially me He opened them Then he backed away from me and walked out and slammed the door on his way out.

I finally realize I was holding my breath the whole time and sighed in relief. He didn't attack that's one good thing.

I walked to the bed and went under the covers and cried softly hoping he wouldn't hear me. I was scared afraid I miss home I wanted to go back I don't belong here.

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