Chapter 4

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I wake up the next day feeling groggy and gross. I didn't want to get up I wanted the world to just open up and swallow me whole. Sadly that wouldn't happen.

I open my eyes slowly trying to adjust to the lighting in the room. I looked around and saw clothing by a long, dark, burgundy couch.

I got up slowly and saw the clothing it was just some gray baggie sweatpants and a black v-neck T-shirt. They seem too big to fit my small figure and I knew exactly why these had to be Silas clothing.

I dropped them back to the couch I took a deep breath and realize why I needed a shower bad! I didn't shower last night so I just had to deal with wearing his clothes.

I went into the bathroom and saw a huge bathtub and a shower cubical attach next to it and had two black and white sinks and was squeaky clean I look down at the black and white smooth tiles and back up to the enormous mirrors.

Oh god! I looked disgusting. My eyeliner smeared also my mascara ran down my bags giving me raccoon eyes and as always my crazy curly red hair matted as always no shocker there. Oh god my mate saw me like this!!!

Wait, why do I care what he thinks. If he finds me repulsive then maybe he'll let me go! This was me trying to convince myself I'll be okay.

I went into the cubical and turned on the shower head and put it in a high temperature and at first my body flinch of the hot water but soon my body relaxed and I laid my back on the side and slid down. I cried more. I couldn't help it I was an emotional wreck at this point. I expected my mate to be a caring man that loved people and they loved him. But instead, I got a ruthless killer. I rubbed my body hard with my loofa till my skin was raw.

I cried and cried I stayed like that for what I thought was minutes but when Silas barged in seems like I stayed there longer.

He pulled the shower door open and I guess my face was puffy and red showing I was crying and my skin was blistering red from all the scrubbing I did to my body. Him seeing me completely naked was the least of my problem right now.

"Why love. Why would you do this to yourself your skin is so red!" he yelled.

"I don't know." I said tiredly sitting still not moving.

He held out his hand expecting me to grab ahold of his large hand but I simply ignored the gesture and lift myself up with the energy I had left.

I heard a deep growl rise up his throat. I ignored. I passed by him and grabbed a towel and wrapped it tightly as I could.

"Do you want to talk about it?... About what's wrong." He asked.

I turn to him "Talk about what exactly! The fact that you ripped me away from the only family I ever had?" I snapped.

"I took you away to protect you!!!!" He growled sizing me up, he was furious.

"Protect me from what!!!" I yelled back with my head held up high not showing a sign of weakness.

He rushed towards me and pushed me against a wall. My back slammed into the wall he gripped my wrist and pinning me to the wall. Surprised my towel stayed on.

"Don't you dare raise your voice at me!! Or disrespect me!!!" He growled back his eyes turn to black Orbs.

I stared into his eyes having so much hatred for this man. And whispered " You disgusted me." And I spat in his face. Not the smartest move I've made but I was furious at this point and didn't give a ratass .

He didn't move. Didn't blink. Until a couple seconds passed he wiped off my spit off his face with the back of his hand. He let go of my hands and backed up.

"Do that again I promise you I will not let you off this easy love." He walked off and slammed the door behind him.

To say I was shitting bricks right now will be an understatement. My heart was beating so hard I tried to calm myself then eventually did and I changed into the oversized sweats and T-shirt.

I walked off to the bedroom and stared at the walls the whole day just some small visit's from a elderly lady came by and dropped off my breakfast, lunch and dinner throughout the day.

I didn't eat I've lost my appetite. The food sat there till the lady picked up my plates and didn't say anything about me not eating the food. For that I was greatful.


I groaned knowing it was Silas communicating through the mind-link


I want you in my office.

Too bad I don't know where that's at I guess I can't go. All well.

I'll take care of that.

There was a knock at the door I walked towards it. I see the same elderly lady I was today she had soft blue eyes with white hair. She walked I followed.

The amount of twist and turns to get to his office made me dizzy and lightheaded.

We finally reach to a large, dark, and monogamy door. The elderly lady is already walking away from the door. 

Come in love.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2016 ⏰

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