Chapter 2: jaxx pov

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It's been 5 months, 13 days, 7 hours and 32 minutes since my Rox was ripped from my hands. I know she's alive, I can feel it. I just don't know where she is. I have been going insane. I feel like my whole world has been flipped upside down. My birthday is in a week I'll be 17. I just don't feel like celebrating without my love.

"Jaxx bro you have to come out." Boston was banging on my door.

"I don't care, fuck all of this! She's gone and I don't know what to do! How do you find someone who was taken into the damn sky!"

I know what your thinking, why is Boston knocking at my door? Well on his birthday he found his mate. Can you guess who? Ya Miranda, my cousin. So he's calmed down a lot, him and I no longer fight over Rox. We have actually become pretty close. Seeing as him and Gavin are going to be Rox and my betas, we had to put the past behind us.

"Come on Jaxx, for me? Please come out?" I sighed at hearing my cousins voice. She was like a little sister to me, I couldn't tell her no. I got up and dragged myself to my door. I carried one of Rox's shirts with me. It was the only thing that kept my wolf calm.

He hasn't spoken to me in a few weeks, since I gave up searching. What does he want me to do? Build a plane to fly us to the moon goddess palace? Demand to be let in, and bring Rox home? 'Ya that's exactly what I want you to do!'

Oh well look at that, look who decides to show himself. 'I just miss her.' I could feel his sadness pouring out of him.

I ignored it, other wise I'd turn right back around and flop back into bed. I slowly opened my door allowing them to come in. I then turned around to go back to my bed. I was depressed, I can't help it. I barely eat, I've barely showered, I don't sleep, I'm just a mess.

"Dude no offense, but you smell like a dead skunk." I turned around to see Boston wrinkle his nose. "Then hold your breath because I don't care." I snapped at him. He held his hands up in defeat. "Sorry but it's the truth." I growled at him and then crawled back into bed.

"Don't growl at my mate! I'll cut your big toe off!" Miranda said, coming up to sit on my bed. She sat on my side, seeing as I only laid on Rox's side of the bed. Her scent was almost gone and it broke my heart even more. I refused to wash any of her clothes, I know its gross. But it's the only way I could have her scent.

"Come on bro, let's go get something to eat before school. I'll have Martha make us some eggs. She makes the best eggs." I got to give it to the guy, I know he is just as heart broken as I am, but he's trying. I felt a sob making its way up my throat.

"How are you handling this so well? She's your best friend and the last conversation you guys had you were arguing? What if she doesn't come back? What if she left me for good? Why can I FEEL her all around me but I can't see her? I can't touch her! I just want her back in my arms." I felt my heart break a little more at that last part.

Miranda pushed herself under my head and rubbed my back in soothing circles while my head rested on her lap. I felt my bed dip knowing Boston had sat down.

"I don't know Jaxx. One second I'm fine, and the next I'm not. Something will remind me of her. Like I'll see a super nice fast car and I'll think to myself 'wow I wonder what kind of car that is? That's nice as fuck!' I'll turn to the side to ask Rox and she won't be there. Or Ill want to tell her about something that happened at school, or an argument Miranda and I had or just want to say something stupid to piss her off and I'll start to run to her room just to realize she isn't there. It's hard. I never said it was easy. But I have to be strong for my parents for her parents for her enisi for you for Miranda. I don't have time to be sad."

I heard his voice brake as he was finally letting some emotion out that he's been holding in. I didn't realize how much of this weight he was carrying.

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