Chapter 1

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Everyone was sitting in a circle going over everything for the musical but Carlos found it particularly hard to keep his eyes open since he was so tired from drama students texting him at night about the choreography and dance lessons plus the fact that his parents are always yelling at each other but it then got to the point where he could hardly keep them open so he quickly excused himself to the bathroom. He splashed cold water on his face to wake him up.

meanwhile with the other drama kids

"hey does anybody notice how off Carlos seems today" Nini asked

"yeah actually" Gina answered

"he does seem a little tired" EJ said

"I think he is more than a little tired I mean he fell asleep in the middle of chemistry class and he never falls asleep in chemistry class" Ashlyn stated

"well we could always ask him" Ricky said

"dude its Carlos he will just say he his fine" Kourtney said right at that moment Carlos returned he didn't look tired so he took a seat

"hey you ok" Big Red asked

"yeah I am fine just a little tired is all" Carlos said as they continued going over their lines after they were finished going over the lines they got into their places and started practicing the dances. About halfway through Carlos's phone went off he told the others to take a break while answered it 

"hello mom what's up" Carlos said

"I am sorry honey but we are getting divorced cause I can't stand him hurting you Carlos but we do need you there to do it" his mom said 

"ok i'll be there in 30 minutes" Carlos said as he hung up he looked around and noticed no one heard him he walked over to miss Jenn

"hey miss Jenn" Carlos asked as she looked up

"yeah Carlos what is it" miss Jenn said

"I need to go I have a personal matter to attend to at home" Carlos said

"ok you can go is everything alright" miss Jenn asked

"yeah everything is fine thanks" Carlos said as he grabbed his stuff and headed out the others didn't notice he left 

"alright lets continue" miss Jenn said as they gathered around

"wait where is Carlos" Nini asked

"he had a personal matter to attend to at home" miss Jenn said

"then who is going to teach us the dance" Seb asked

"Gina can you teach them" miss Jenn asked looking at her

"uh yeah sure but why me" Gina said as everyone looked at her

"well you are the 2nd best dancer under Carlos" Rico said

"ok well let's get started" Gina said as she taught them the dances.

a/n sorry if this bad

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