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MinYoongi do you know how much i love you of course i would care, who wouldn't , why are you thinking like this, just talk to me and stop ignoring me why do think i'm here i ain't no decoration. cause I Min Yoongi is in love with the one and only @/ParkJimin and since you wont answer me ill tell the world how much i love your voice, your laugh, your confidence, your perseverance, your determination,and everything else about you Park Jimin. I fucking happy that your in my life don't try to leave now.

JeonJungkook omg!!!!!!!!!!!! he read it omg omg omg omgmgmggmgjbiubptrvnjsnjvb

KimSeokjin Hurt my Jiminie i'll hurt you 

KimNamjoon i have faith in you 

JungHoseok Yoongi in love ? i knew it 

KimTaehyung .......... speechless 

ParkJimin i love you too 

When Yoongi read the message he's never been so happy, nobody has ever really told him that they love him by nobody his parents they never supported him in his music career more less being gay made it even worse he had a horrible past and Jimin somehow made him forget the past and focus on the future and be more positive. How jimin changed him.

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