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JeonJungkook photo creds to @JacksonWang 

JacksonWang ahh my skills I love them

KimTaehyung @JacksonWang skills on point 

MinJimin you look so pretty 

JeonJungkook@MinJimin I don't want any of your fake feedback 

MinJimin what do you mean I'm being honest 

JeonJungkook you were honest when you said he wasn't dating anyone 

MinJimin He wasn't  at the time it's not my fault that you believe everything you see and not let anyone explain and it's not my fault he moved on 

JeonJungkook It's not my fault that you sp called husband is cheating on with his ex-boyfriend I saw with my own eyes

MinYoongi what are you talking about? Don't bring Me in your arguments 

MinJimin are you cheating on me? With Taemin

MinYoongi no I'm not he's lying and what's the point of buying a ring and get married just to cheat that'd be a waste of money 

JeonJungkook what about the guy I saw you with and he held your hand and shit 

MinYoongi That's my little stepbrother 

MinJimin Ohh Chanyeol 

KimTaehyung are you jealous?@JeonJungkook

JeonJungkook Fuck off 

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