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5k likesMinJimin My horrible ass

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My horrible ass... My lovely parents may or may not have found out that1) I married and 2) I'm pregnant 

KimTaehyung Why do you have my dog?

MinJimin @KimTaehyung Ask Jungkook not me

MinYoongi Your parents didn't know?

KimSeokjin^ someone seems butthurt

KimNamjoon@KimSeokjin The only person who's gonna be butthurt is you when I'm done with you ;)

Kimseokjin YAH!!!!!!

MinJimin 1st ewwwww 2 yeah they literally didn't want to answer the phone when I called @MinYoongi

JungHoseok these comments literally make my day lmao 

Jus a filler Ig? 

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