keep playing

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slight sub & bottom!billie

"i just love this song" she said after finishing playing the hill on the small piano on her room

"that was really nice" i said, i was laying on my stomach on her bed, holding a takashi murakami flower pillow

the night was cold, it had been raining for a few days but tonight was the exception. the gray windy days felt monotone, we didn't lose a lot of our stamina throughout the day. this morning, maggie and patrick had gone out to visit out of state relatives of theirs, so billie asked me to come over and keep her company

you'd think billie would feel down or sad in a day like this but no, she felt extremely good and eager, my heart feels warm each time i see her, seeing her so happy

she'd been playing music for hours. sitting in a small wooden box stool and continued playing the piano randomly,

"got any requests?" she turned her head to me smiling, her fingers tapping the keys

"i don't know, play some britney spears" i laughed at my dumbass joke

"aight" she said confidently

her fingers danced on the keys, her face slightly turned to me, eyeing me with a playful smirk while she played the first few seconds of toxic,

"oh shit!" i rolled on my back laughing, she stopped and laughed too,

"what you laughing at? i think that's how it goes. i used to know how to play the whole ass song can you believe" she kept on playing random notes, "i used to try to learn how to play those pop-py club thot songs just for laughs but damn they're fucking difficult, making my fingers twist all kinda ways"

"is that why you're so good with your fingers?" i rose my eyebrows, i closed my lips inside my mouth grinning

she snorted, "maybe so"

i fidgeted with the wallpaper fabrics she had hanging around her bed, looking at the bright red ceiling, "have you come up with any new songs?"

"well kinda. this..." she switched notes playing a different one, "but i just don't know how to like, work on it you know"

she began playing it on a loop, switching some notes, trying to come up with more new things to add, but i noticed by the frowned troubled look on her face nothing was sticking

i stood up and walked behind her, watching her precocious hands play the piano. i leaned down and rested my chin on her shoulder, "you don't have to beat yourself up you kno-"

"yeah, yeah, i know. i'm just playing around but i got some things. don't worry, it's all good" she chuckled, i softly wrapped my arms around her stomach,

"i love you"

"i love you too baby girl"

i kissed her neck once, "i'm gonna get some water, you want anything?'

"nah i'm good"

i walked out the room and went to the kitchen, filling up a glass of water. i grabbed a small apple from a fruit bowl and began eating it, looking out the misty windows. an idea formed in my mind, i smirked as i finished the hand sized apple, throwing it on the bin and walking towards billie's room

i entered it, smirk still glued on my face. i stood behind her again, i leaned in, resting the side of my face on her shoulder and my arms wrapped around her stomach again, i moved the hair out of her shoulders, tucking it behind her ear so i could kiss her neck, making her squirm,

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