roommate's friend

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switch/vers but mostly top!billie

request by @zoomlit

billie's pov

"ohhh, okay, i get it, i get it!"

"it's funny! right?"

"no!" i laughed, "it's so bad! it doesn't make sense"

"oh, fuck you! it's fucking funny, right... sarah?"

"yeah" she didn't even look at us, instead she kept staring at the tv with her arms crossed, looking rather upset

(y/n) quickly stood up, yelling out, "i'll be back" as she left to her room, i waited for her to leave so i could scoot over to my friend, sarah, impatiently telling her;

"yo, (y/n)'s pretty cool" i smiled, pulling her shirt playfully and nudging her, she squirmed and recoiled at my touch
"yeah... you two seem to get along"

i analyzed her stance. frown, her jaw strongly pronounced from probably grinding her teeth, arms crossed, looking everywhere but to my side

i moved away, "yo, you good?"

"yes, billie"

she didn't move a muscle

"okay you're not good, what's wrong?"
"come onnnn, tell me" i said, mischievously shaking her shoulders while chuckling

"leave me alone, billie"

after i kept shaking her for some more seconds, she aggressively shrugged off my hands, jumping out her seat and dashing to her room, as (y/n) was coming out of hers, sarah and her stomped into each other, but sarah didn't even apologize or flinch, she just entered her room and slammed the door, making us flinch

(y/n) and i looked at her slammed door and then stared at each other, extremely confused, she frowned and pointed at sarah's room to which i responded by shrugging, knowing exactly what she meant

she sat down next to me again, "that was weird"
"yeah, i asked her if she was okay because she looked like mad and she just like jumped" i whispered, while i mimicked sarah's moves in an exaggerated manner, making (y/n)'s face light up
"yeah, she's been kinda like that for a while, wonder what's up"
"yeah" i looked down, fidgeting with my hands and fingers, wondering what could be wrong with her... she was one of my best friends and i couldn't help but feel disappointed realizing my bestfriend didn't feel comfortable or good enough to open up to me

"don't be sad!" (y/n) read my movements, hugging me. i instantly looked up at her, who had such a cute and joyful expression on, "i'll talk to her later, i promise"

"good" i grinned, and quickly glanced at her lips, who were only inches apart but i moved my sight to my phone, changing the topic, "now let me show you more memes"
"god, please no!" she groaned, making me laugh, oh i wish i didn't have the biggest crush on her

(y/n)'s pov

after waving billie goodbye, i shut the door, my back sticking to the door as i slowly slid down to the floor, god i had the biggest crush on billie

i sighed and moved my head to the side, eyeing sarah's door, her tantrum from a little while ago quickly brushed into my mind

i stood up and went to the door, wanting to see what was up with her,

billie eilish smutWhere stories live. Discover now