Part 1

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Okay I don't really care if other people have expressed these concerns before. I HAVE FEELINGS TO YOU KNOW.

A) One thing I hate is when there is this girl who CONSTANTLY complains about how nobody likes her. Everyone in the school hates her for no good reason. And then some person (usually a hot guy SHOCKER) comes up and is all nice and shit and she's all OMG YOU ARE SO ANNOYING LEAVE ME ALONE SO I CAN CUT MYSELF AND I HATE YOU AND I'M GOING TO WISH THAT YOU'D DIE AND OMG EVERYONE HATES ME EVEN THOUGH I'M SOOO NICE AND CARING NOT LIKE THAT SKANKY BITCH!

Like dude. No one likes you because YOU ARE A MEAN PERSON. Being mean to the one person who gives you the time of day isn't going to help, sweetheart. Not. At. All.

B) Why is the enemy always a popular slut? The popular girl thing is SOOO OVERDONE. Why can't the nerdy bitch be an enemy? 

Also why are the popular people sluts? I go to a small highschool, so popularity is kind of difficult but the so called "popular" girls aren't all sluts. I mean sure, a few of them could be easily mistaken for prostitutes but there are also many fully clothed people. Some of them are even (GASP) really nice.

Okay Fluffy admits that there are still some bitches who bullied her in midle school that she still has a grudge against and they are probably horrible people, but THEY ARE THE EXCEPTION.

C) Why are the popular sluts (read Part 1B) blonde? And not regular blonde, but bleach blonde, bottle blonde bitches (overusing that word today. Bitch bitch bitch bitch) I know about 3 people who have obviously dyed hair, and I wouldn't consider them to be the "popular" group. I am a brunette and proud of it! My lovely stepsisters are blonde, and neither of them are popular sluts (although they're 8 and 12 sooooo...). Make a brunette villain! Or a bald one. Or pink hair. I don't really give a shit but I'M SICK OF EVIL BLONDES.

D) I have yet to see an evil redhead. People make the majority of their main characters gingers. I am guilty of this as well and it's because I DESPERATELY WANT RED HAIR. But I think we need to stop the Hair Discrimination.


Goodbye, my lovely darling buttercup sweethearts (yup that's all of my condescending names.)

Until next time.


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