Story 13 : Years

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On my next life... We'll crossed paths again, and it will start from the girl's bathroom.



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(Yashiro Nene X Hanako-Kun)

1 year... I met this girl at the park. Her presence shows innocence as her white hair having a green colored tips from it swayed in the wind. She was completey beautiful until I see her fat legs. I thought she was a lady like one but her body shows a complete lolicon material one.

4 years ... We become classmates as I discovered a lot of fun things towards to her. Knowing her imperfection, weaknesses, strength, hates and what she likes. Because of it... I consider her being a unique one. Because no one would be comparable to her. My life become more colorful as we spend some more time together.

And because of that. I'm confused of my feelings about our status.

Are we just friends?

1 year... Collage starts as we part ways. Because of my love in astronomy, she supports me in my own dream and I was the same to her. We didn't spend too much time because were always been busy. But we always find a vacant time and WILL always find a vacant time to share our stories to each other.

Graduation comes, we decided to live together as we seek for our own job. Everything is perfect.

We become friends.

We become lovers.

We become one.

We always argue in a funny and sarcastic way most of the time. We argue sometimes but we always exchange 'SORRY' together then everything is back to normal.

My life isn't boring at all. Is more than the treasure that I wanted because Yashiro... Is my life.

She even gave me a name that was exactly the same name of the Rumored girl in our school.

Hanako-San is a Japanese Urban legend who was mostly believed to hunt the school's bathroom.

Our story started in the Bathroom.

Yes, you heard it right. At the GIRLS Bathroom.

I was kinda lost in the Kamome School because it was really huge. The place can't be remembered by just one glance. I lost my school map so I panicked, I feel like I'm going to peed my pants so I accidently go to the girls bathroom.

I thought it's a boys bathroom.

It's a relief to release my pee but you know what's the worst? The girl that I saw who was looking at me with wide eyes.

'Crap, she'll think I'm a pervert.' That was my first thought... Until she screamed something.

"Kyaahh! Hanako-San is real!!" She yelled. I use my hands to cover her face as we quietly rushed out of the bathroom.

Thankfully, no one was there when the incident happened.

"I'm a boy." I said.

"How can a boy be inside the girl's bathroom? Are you a perv-"

"I'm not." I blushed, her voice does match her figure. "I lost my school map and I was actually lost. I can't hold my pee anymore so I was forced to rush in the bathroom. I didn't know it was a girls bathroom." Please don't be so immature, some of the girls don't believe at what guys said.

But I'm telling the truth. And it's for her to decide whether I'm honest or not. As long as I'm not guilty, I'll fight for the rights that I have.

"I don't know your name... Sorry if I mistook you for Hanako-San. I thought she's a girl. But it turns out that you're a boy. Hanako-Kun."

I facepalmed.

"I'm a damn real boy. You can touch me! You can even talk to me! Just shut up and pretend like it doesn't exist!" I hissed as I ran away leaving her.

And because of that, I was shy to approach her. It was shocking too that she and I were classmates.

I fell in love with her.

And not all the endings were happy. Because I need to move on now.

"I'll leave this flower to you okay. I hope you're happy in there." I sighed.

We are... Not destined to be with each other in this time.

I just hope, if I have a second life... I'll have her Again.

But our endings will be different.

We're going to get married and have kids. We're going to have a happy and peaceful life.

I'll find her again. And I won't let our years turned into a total waste.

On my next life... We'll crossed paths again, and it will start from the girl's bathroom.

𝕿𝖔𝖎𝖑𝖊𝖙-𝕭𝖔𝖚𝖓𝖉 𝕳𝖆𝖓𝖆𝖐𝖔-𝖐𝖚𝖓 (𝐎𝐍𝐄 𝐒𝐇𝐎𝐓) Where stories live. Discover now