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You read the story. I can't believe it. I'm so happy I could cry and laugh.

Thank you so much for having patience while reading this humongous never ending story lol. I hope you liked it and voted also huehue😎

Also, if your wondering what 'feeling good' meant in the last chapter, it's certainly not 18+ shit okay. One kid is enough for both of them. They just cuddled or something. That's how they felt good. Be innocent okay 😏.

And I just wanna remind y'all that I had another story which I released before. It's call 'SPLASH' and it's PJM FANFICTION so all the Christian Chimchim lovers out there, go for it!
And if you've already read it, then bye bye for real.

Or maybe not because I'm gonna release BTS imagines. *Author smirks and flips hair*

*Inserts Jimin's voice* yOu maid us wHat we aRe toDay, uh...theNk youh sow mUch forrr eVerytheeng, And reMemBer, I lub YoU.


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