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📌Chapter Summary: Welcome to Reasons' Series truth and heat season hurts!

📌Chapter Note(s): Refined as of July 19, 2020✔


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20XX, 7:12



"mornin'" Cross  greets, giving you a small smile which somehow, gave a tug in your heart successfully.

You sigh, setting the last teapot in the long table with your other Masters plopped in it. "Why would all of you leave so suddenly, anyway?"

Nightmare comments, "reasons."

"c'mon, kid." Dust chimes in. "i's just a few days."

You added in mild defiance, "I'd be perfectly fine with it if you left me some comp-"


"That's unfair." You pointed out, earning wary looks from the skeletons around the table. They were acting very strange today, aren't they?

Well, except for Cross, Horror, and Error, that is!

They were mumbling something about fire, yeah fire was it! Or hot?

Shaking your head, you turn around to meet the other three's flushed faces, their cheekbones covered in a red, blue, and purple hue and they seemed like they're having a pretty bad time dealing with something.

It was questionable, really.

How they would adjust themselves where you're like, a few blocks away from them, and would avoid being in the same room with you.

Now, you wonder how that goes if all the skeletons avoid you too, fewer chores!

"'m hungry." Horror mumbles, giving you a look to let him know he was.

Since when did he ever get full anyway?

"I should prepare more food then, Master, is there any recommendations?" You eyed all of them and Horror was the only one who came up with the food.

Leaving you nodding and running back to the kitchen, once you were out of earshot, they look at each other.

Nightmare grumbles, "split up, 'kay? i's only for 2 days."

Error chimes, "bE sTayiN' aT mY pLaCe fOr tHAT."

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20XX, 8:12



You lift the tray of fresh cookies, earning a wistful air in return as your Masters was doubtfully nowhere to be found. "They left already?"

On the 4th flower pot, was a sticky note. It says this:

(sorry, urgent.)

Sighing, you plopped down in Master Error's chair, where the sticky was clearly visible. You ate one of the cookies rather slowly and was not in the mood.

One crunchy cookie was enough for you, your stomach looks like it was tied up in knots as that one cookie was dissolved rather ungracefully.

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