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Dawn had just broken on Endravis when a lone gunship landed in Crytos, the planet's capital. The space port was bustling with activity despite how early it was. Its occupants wanted to begin the day outside before the blistering heat of the sun forced most activities indoors.

From the gunship emerged an armored figure donning the characteristic helmet of a Mandalorian, an ancient race of bounty hunters who had long since disappeared after the Siege of Mandalore. Rumors say that there are still groups of them scattered across the galaxy, building their numbers and preparing for the glorious return of their kind. However, this one was alone, exposed out in the open. He seemed to have taken the lone wolf approach to life, which was only part of the truth. This Mandalorian was here for bounty work, as most Mandalorians are when they first arrive on a planet.

After checking over his ship, which he deemed 'The Razor Crest', the Mandalorian set off in the bustling marketplace within the port. As he leisurely strolled along, occasionally casting a glance at a nearby stand selling goods, his imposing figure drew in unwanted attention. Glares, scowls, and expressions of disgust. All obvious signs that a Mandalorian wasn't welcome around these parts. He wasn't fazed by any means. He was used to receiving that kind of 'warm welcome' in stinkholes like this.

Once he navigated his way through the marketplace, he entered a bar and took a seat at the counter. The bartender, who surprisingly wasn't a droid (most were droids on other planets), took one look at him and snorted, turning in the other direction. He ignored the Mandalorian for well over ten minutes, waiting to see if one of the regulars would come and drive him out. To his disappointment, nothing happened and he was forced to serve the brooding newcomer. The Amani hissed in obvious annoyance and snatched the credits that the Mandalorian had placed on the counter, quickly preparing him a drink once he had pocketed the credits. He set it down in front of the Mandalorian, his slitted eyes narrowing at his reflection in the shiny helmet.

"You don't belong here, Mandalorian scum." The Amani seethed, leaning within a few inches of the Mandalorian's helmet in an attempt to intimidate him. All he saw was his own mocking reflection in the silver shine of the helmet, which only infuriated him even more. But before he could say another word, someone else stepped in.

"Rocka, my friend, is this gentleman bothering you?" A Bossk chimed in, an expression of murderous intent spreading across his reptilian features. He sauntered over to the duo and heavily placed his hand on the Mandalorian's shoulder, his claws slightly scratching across the Beskar steel. "I'm sure he just wasn't aware that his kind isn't welcome here. Maybe a little explanation is needed..." hissed the Bossk. With one swat of his hand, he knocked over the Mandalorian's drink and watched with glee as it spilled all over him.

The Mandalorian remained motionless at first, earning a guffaw of laughter from bar's inhabitants. Then, in the blink of an eye, he snatched the Bossk's wrist and sharply twisted it, yanking it downwards as he nimbly leapt up from his seat. Within two seconds, the Bossk was lying on the ground with a boot on his chest and an Amban Rifle aimed at his forehead. "Does this explanation suffice?" said the Mandalorian, his voice sounding dull and somewhat robotic due to his helmet. He wouldn't hesitate to pull the trigger and everyone in that bar knew it.

Now that the Bossk was laying belly-up, he wasn't so confident anymore. A nervous grin crossed his face and he chuckled, slowly raising his hands up in surrender. "I-I believe so... Carry on." He shakily replied, eyes glued on the barrel that was not even three inches away from his face.

"That's what I thought." The Mandalorian muttered, waiting just a few more moments to add to the tension before stepping off of the Bossk. He slung his rifle back over his shoulder and simply left the bar, leaving the bar-goers to process what the hell just happened. He could find work elsewhere.

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