Chapter 3

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Chani POV

Seokwoo didn't wait any more. Getting closer, he firstly punched Zuho making his nose bleed. The other two shivered from fear. Next on Seokwoo's list was Youngkyun.

"No, not Youngkyun. He didn't do anything to me" I thought it was unfair if he got beaten up even though he didn't do anything

Seokwoo actually listened to me and left Youngkyun out of the fight. Even so, Taeyang didn't have the luck to be spared.

"But why, why are you fighting us because of him?" Taeyang asked him

"Because Chani's my tutor, and if someone would have to do something to him it should be me" Seokwoo claimed as he punched Taeyang a few times

I didn't know if I should be honored or scared in this situation. But what he said made me blush really hard. It made my opinion on him change.

"You okay?" Seokwoo asked me as he tried to help me stand u

"I'm fine, but my hand, it hurts"

"W-what are you d-doing?" I freaked out while Seokwoo carried me in his arms

"We're going to the infirmary"

"But I can walk by myself"

"Shut up" he commanded

I don't have any choice then. Feeling more comfortable I put only my right hand around his neck since my left hand is hurt. Thankfully, he didn't seem to be mad about it.

"What happened?" the school nurse asked when we entered the infirmary

"S-someone stepped on my hand" I said

"Oh my gosh, who would do that?" she asked

"It's okay, I'm sure it was unintentional" after I said this I received a scary glare from Seokwoo

"Actu-" Seokwoo was about to tell everything but I stopped him

"Seokwoo, it's okay." I whispered to him, to which he responded with a nod

"I think it's broken, you should go to the hospital" the school nurse said

"It doesn't hurt that much so I don't think it's broken" I lied because I was lazy to go to the hospital

"Really?" Seokwoo asked as he squeezed my hand

"Ouch, it hurts you fool" it was painful

"But you said it didn't hurt... Or you lied?"

What's wrong with this guy? He's starting to be mischievous. I don't like this.

"Let's go" Seokwoo said


"To the hospital."


"I said let's go!" this time he yelled at me

"Sowwy" I felt like a puppy

Seokwoo POV

"Sowwy" he seemed like a puppy

Gosh, what the fuck. There's something wrong with my heart. Why is it beating so fast? Chill, Seokwoo chill. It's nothing.

"C'mon" I said

He walked behind me, I think he's in pain. Those scumbags, how could they do this to him.

"Um, Seokwoo" he called my name

"Yes Chani?" I turned around

"Thank you" he looked away, as he was shy

"It's nothing."

The hospital wasn't so far from our school so it didn't take a lot of time. The doctor checked him and put his hand in a cast. They really broke his hand tch. Those motherfuckers.

"Where do you live?" I asked Chanhee

"You don't have to walk me home, I can go by myself" he oppossed

"Lead the way" I didn't listen to him


Our walk to the house was quiet, neither me or him spoke up. Well it's obvious since both of us are strangers and not comfortable with each other. And why the fuck I'm being so nice to him? There must be something wrong with me. Why am I helping this nerdy guy? Well, he's helping me study and doesn't ask for any in exchange so I can at least do this for him.

This isn't good. I'm getting softer. No, I'm the Seokwoo that everyone fears. I'm the bully, not the opposite.

"This is my house" Chanhee brought me back to reality

"Oh is that so. Then I can go now." I turned around to leave since there wasn't anything for me to do anymore

"Seokwoo, thank you again" geez, he's thanking me too much "See you tomorrow"

"Dummy, it's Saturday tomorrow" I chuckled

"Oh right I forgot" he laughed awkwardly "Even so, you know my house, if you want to study you can come"

"I'll see"

"Don't be shy!!" he kinda yelled

"I'm not!" I whined, and was embarrassed later

"Ok ok" he laughed really hard "It's nice seeing some other side of you"

It's not nice to me. I don't like showing my feelings to other people. Yet you... You're making me act really silly. Damn it Kang Chanhee what are you.

"Bye" he said again

"Bye" I whispered
(770 words)

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