Chapter 6

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"I hate you"

"I love you too"

Crap. Did I just confess?

"Nice try" he brushed it off as a joke, but damn he was red as a tomato

Maybe it's for the best though, I still don't know how he feels about me. But it's not like I'm going to give up on him or something. I'll stay right by his side and confess when I'm ready.

"Hahahaha" I laughed "Then I'll go get some food"

"Y-yeah" he was still lightly blushing

At the time I got to the cafeteria most of the food was gone but I still could get something for me to eat. As I took my tray with food I looked around to see where to sit. Looking around, I saw Youngkyun, the one that was hanging out with the bullies but actually I've never seen him do something bad. Maybe he's a nice person.

"Can I sit here?" I went to him and asked

"If you don't mind"

"Why should I?"

"You know, because of that day" he looked guilty

"But you didn't do anything to me, did you?"


"Then it's okay" I smiled at him "Hope we can be friends"

"Yeah, me too" Youngkyun smiled at me as well

"So, why were you hanging out with those bad boys?" I was curious

"I've been childhood friends with Taeyang, and he wasn't always like this. He was actually more kind back then, but suddenly he changed after he started hanging out with Zuho and I just didn't want our friendship to shatter so I stucked with him" he stated

"So that was why"

"Yeah" he mumbled as he took a sip from his drink

"You know, if they do something to you after their suspension please talk to me. Don't endure it by yourself. Okay?"

"Yeah, thank you"

"Let's change the topic. Have you ever been in love?"

"That was one fast change in topics, and also very drastic" he laughed

"Hahaha, I know, sorry" I scratched the back of my head and laughed

"By the way, yes" I didn't think he would trust me enough to tell me

"Is it Taeyang?" I asked

"H-how did you know?" he widened his eyes

"Well, the look you had while you talked about him wasn't a look you would have for a friend"

"So I've been found out" he chuckled

"Hahaha yea" his presence was entertaining

"What about you?"

"M-me too"

"Who is it?"

"Kim Seokwoo"

"Oh. My. Gosh" he put his hand over his mouth "Bro, we both fell for the bad boys"

"Bro I know"

"But, you know what? I think you two would make a great pair" he stated

"Aww you think so?" I blushed

"Of course"

*bell rings*

"Fuck, we have physics next"

"Oh, right? I hate that class"

"Me too" I whined

I just remembered that me and Youngkyun were in the same class but hardly talked to each other. How stupid of me.

Shut, we really should hurry up or else Miss Chanmi is going to scold us.

- Seokwoo POV -

Tch. What are they chatting so happily for?

Its not like I care though. Yeah, that's right, I don't give a fuck. Let me hurry up to the classroom.

Blah blah blah. Biology. How boring. I bet if I tried to snuck out this old hag wouldn't even notice.

Let's think about something else. Yeah, let's think about Chanhee. And those chubby cheeks of his. And those lips of his. No wait, this is going too far, stop. Let's not think of him. No thinking of Chanhee.

But really, should I ask him to tutor me after school in the library? Maybe I will.

Finally the last bell just rang, and I should hurry up to ask Chanhee if he'll tutor me at the library.

He was about to leave the classroom with that Youngkyun boy.

"Is something the matter?" he asked

"You know, are we studying at the library?"

"Sure, why not. Youngkyun will come too"

No, he really doesn't have to come.

"Okay" I mumbled

I went first and those two after me, they were whispering something behind me. What could it be...?

"Is something the matter?" crap, Chanhee noticed me looking at them

"You're too slow, hurry up" I yelled

We sat at the usual place we always sat at the library. Of course, but with one more person.

"I didn't know Kim Seokwoo studied anything" Youngkyun spoke up

"Mind your own business" I glared at him

"Okay, okay" he laughed

"Let's start with studying" Chanhee said

"Yea-" Chanhee interrupted

"So which parts do you not get?" he turned to Youngkyun who was sitting next to me

Seriously? I'm more of a priority than him.

Tch. I couldn't not notice the look Youngkyun gave him after Chanhee interrupted me to talk to him. Was he mocking me?

Shut. I rapidly stood up making them jump a little.

"I'll go get something for drink" I said

"Chocolate milk for me" Chanhee said

"I want tea" and also Youngkyun

"Okay" I rolled my eyes
(855 words)

A/N: Yay, we're getting jealous Seokwoo.

~ After Seokwoo left the library: I swear I'll make him choke on that tea ~

Yeah yeah, it's canon don't worry. 😂❤️❤️

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