Jungkook loves his life, well, he did until he was taken by the Hybrid Association and caged him up. Now, he was alone. His family long gone.
He cried every night, hating his new life, but what he didn't know what that their was 2 hybrids in need, m...
Jungkook was asleep until he heard a whistle being blown. He jumped out of his bed and fell on the floor.
"Ow~." He rubs his forehead. He looks to see a person at his cell bars with a smile on their face.
"Hi! Nice to meet you. I'm Hoseok!" Jungkook gets up, closing his eyes a little from just now waking up, and walks over to the bars.
"You must be our new recruit! It's nice to meet you." Hoseok puts his hand through the bars for a hand shake. Jungkook smiles and shook his hand. This dude seems really nice.
"I will be your guard 24/7. I will bring you your food, take you for your break time, and sadly to the restroom," he leans in and whispers, "but we're not going to talk about that." Jungkook giggled and it made Hoseok's eyes sparkle.
"That's adorable! Look, I hate you are put in here, but I hope we become really good friends. We're not really suppose to be friends with you guys, but half of us don't care." Jungkook nodded.
"So, would like a walk around? Fair warning, I'll have to put this on." He shows Jungkook a collar and a leash, making him gulp.
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"The collar is a shock collar, but we only use it when they try to escape or hurt us, which I don't think you will do." Jungkook looks at it with glossy eyes.
"Oh Bunny, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you, it's just protocol."
"I-it's ok. Sure." Hoseok smiles and opens the cell and puts on the collar. Jungkook could feel the shocker and he whimpered. Hoseok petted his head and smiled.
"Don't worry, come on, let's look around." He attaches the leash to his collar and they walk out.
- Hoseok showed Jungkook the whole place. He saw a lot of hybrids either happy, sad, or angry. When he went into the girl's hall, he received a lot of looks.
When he went to one girl's cell, his eyes sparkled, and so did hers. Hoseok smiles and stopped at the cell.
"I see they moved you into the better unit." She giggled a little and stood up from her desk.