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Jiyeon was alone for quite a while. The other day, she got to me humans, known as Jungkook's owners, and was happy Jungkook was treated sweetly.

Him and Taehyung went out for a bit to go do something, but she completely forgot what.

She was laying in their bed peacefully, listening to music in her new phone and new AirPods as she wore a simple sweater dress.

She was laying in their bed peacefully, listening to music in her new phone and new AirPods as she wore a simple sweater dress

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She was listening to her favorite song Modern Loneliness by Lauv, after she listened to her other favorite; Yellow Hearts by Ant Saunders

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She was listening to her favorite song Modern Loneliness by Lauv, after she listened to her other favorite; Yellow Hearts by Ant Saunders. Like This by Jake Scout was fixing to play since the current song had about 1:46 left.

She hummed to the tune as she kicked her feet back and forth as they were up in the air. She loved times like this, being alone and enjoying her time just listening to music, it was something she did all the time.

Though she did miss her mates. They were her main entertainment. She loved watching the 2 bicker over little funny things as they both pouted at each other.

She sang the last note with a smile on her face. Listening to the next song, she felt a weird feeling in her head. She stopped singing as her ears perked up with confusion.

She sniffed the air, but coughed as it smelled funny.

She got out of bed and took off her AirPods, turning them off and putting them by her phone.

She started to walk around the room to find where the smell was coming from. Since she was a cat, she had extremely good sense of smell, she even had night vision.

She went all around until she smelled it off of the vents, making her gag.

She went to go and get febreze, when she heard a small whimper.

"Please, somebody help me." Her ears twitched at the small cry. Her eyes turned a blue color as she went back over to it.

"Where are you? What's wrong?" She tried to call back, but not too loud.

"Please, they have me locked into this big room, a-and they are planning on doing something to me. Just, follow my scent, but you have to get into animal form to find me." Jiyeon nodded and looked around for a ladder tall enough.

She found a green tall ladder randomly in the corner of the room, so she grabbed it and placed it under the vent.

"I'm coming! Don't worry!"

"P-please, just hurry." The voice begged. To Jiyeon, it sounded like a girl her age.

She got out of her dress and changed into something else, that way it wouldn't be weird to show up in that after transforming back.

She got out of her dress and changed into something else, that way it wouldn't be weird to show up in that after transforming back

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After changing, she started to climb on the ladder and get into the vent. She accidentally knocked the ladder down, but it didn't hit anything.

Sighing, she changed into her white cat form, known as Snow, and started to walk around the vents, sniffing the air to find the girl.

After about a good 5 minutes, she finally got close to the smell. Looking down in the vent, she saw indeed a girl inside on a table. She had blonde hair that looked messy from being shoved around and had beautiful green eyes. She also was a dog with cream colored ears.

She widened her eyes, knowing just who that was.

"Ivy!" Jiyeon said in her head. She started to get her claws out and undid the screws on the vent, then sooner or later, it popped off.

Jumping down from the big height, she changed back into her hybrid form with a smile on her face. The girl widened her eyes and gasped.


"Ivy!" She ran up to her and hugged her to the best of her abilities.

"Come on, I'll get you out of here in no time." She drew her claw out and started to get all of the materials holding her down off of her, some almost breaking her claws.

After getting all of it off, she helped her stand before devouring her in a better hug.

"Jiyeon! My gosh it's so good to see you again." Tears fell down both of their faces. Best friends that were split apart for 2 years were now back together.

"I have sooo much to tell you, but we need to get you out of here." Ivy nodded in agreement and they started walking to the door...

When the door opened and revealed 2 men, smirking.

"Well looky there, more fun."

"I can't believe I'm saying this, BUT THAT WAS SO MUCH FUN!" Jungkook squealed as he skipped next to Taehyung, holding the tiger's hand.

He chuckled as he watched the boy jump happily.

"I never knew sports was that interesting. I just saw it on tv."

"Well now in our free time, I can take you to play some more baseball, how about that?" The bunny nodded happily and kissed the male's cheek.

"I can't wait to tell Jiyeon all about it! She will be thrilled to know I had fun." The tiger chuckled.

"Of course she will, she loves you."

"Correction, she loves us." The bunny smiled and went back to skipping happily.

They made it back to their room happily, but the air smelled different to the boys.

Taehyung cautiously walked in the room with Jungkook following behind, Taehyung's eyes now a red color.

"Ji? Are you in here? JiJi?" Taehyung called out. They soon saw the ladder and gasped before Taehyung flew the door open to see the vent also open.

"Shit." Taehyung cursed as he let's go of Jungkook's hand to go to the vent, but covers his nose.

"Yuck." He looked up at the vent.

"What the fuck is that smell?" He looks around to see where else was different. Jungkook went over to the bed to see her AirPods, phone, and dress she wore before they left.

Tears fell down his face as he watched Taehyung expect the place. The Alpha turned around after hearing the younger sniffle and ran to him.

"What's wrong?" He looked him up and down to see if he got hurt or anything.

"H-her stuff is still here." He shakily pointed to the bed and as the tiger looked, they heard something, more like someone.


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