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After their little 'fun' time, they were now all laying in the bed, panting, no clothes on and only the covers over their bodies.

"That...was the best sex since I've been member-less...ever." Jungkook pants, looking at his mates. Taehyung was in the middle of the 2 as he looked over at Jungkook with a smirk on his face.

"We can always go for round 2." Jiyeon chuckles exhaustedly, waving her hand dismissively.

"You 2 go on, momma bear is worn out. Your boy hormones may continue." Both male chuckle and snuggle with their mate.

"Nah, we rather have fun with you than without." Jungkook says with a grin plastered onto his face. She simply hummed sarcastically and closed her eyes as she laid with her mates.

"You know, now that I think of it, you 2 should get a matching tattoo with me." Taehyung states, earning 2 wide-eyed people.

"D-don't those hurt?" Jungkook stutters. Taehyung rolls his eyes and smiles.

"Come on, I wouldn't let them hurt you. We can one of those permanent tattoos that you can stick on yourself. Look here." He flips his computer to show his mates the website. Jiyeon's eyes sparkle on one tattoo and points to it.

"I like that one!" Taehyung nods and looks at Jungkook, who also looked interested in the tattoo.

"You like it as well?" Jungkook nodded, but in a shy manner. The tiger chuckled and moved it back around.

"Ok then, I'll buy 3 and we can all put them on, with each other's help of course." He smiles at them before he turns his attention back to the computer.

Jungkook, with a big and heavy sigh, lays down at Taehyung's feet, using his legs as a place to lay his arms to prop his head. Jiyeon joined on the other leg and smiled.

"What you thinking of?" They looked up at each other, nose to nose. Jungkook giggles and blushed a little.

"Wouldn't it be cute, if we were all in animal form?" She gasped and nodded.

"Come on, let's do it for Tae." He nodded as they both got up, Jiyeon grabbing his hand and dragging him to the bathroom. Taehyung looked up when he heard the door shut and smirked.

"Have fun kids."

It wasn't until 2 minutes later when the door opened back up. Taehyung looked back over, but didn't see them come out, which worried him a bit.

"Babies? Are you ok in there?" When he got no response, he closed his computer after making his purchase and was fixing to escape the covers, when a white cat was on top of a black bunny.

Taehyung couldn't help but cooe at the sight, it was too cute. The bunny hopped over and looked at Taehyung with innocent dark eyes. The cat looked up with hazel looking eyes, just like Jiyeon's, and meowed. The tiger smiled and picked them both up, holding them on both sides.

"You 2 are so cute, I'm glad you're mine." Both animals looked at him and nuzzled into his chest. As they both purred softly on his chest, there was a knock at their door. Taehyung groaned and put them to the side.

"Why does this always happen at the best moment? I swear to fucking god if there is cameras in here, we about to fight." Taehyung says before the door opens, revealing Hoseok.

"Hey, Jungkook's owners are here." He says before 2 other male humans came into the room. Taehyung growled a little, but turned when heard a little squeak from the bunny as it fell off the bed, landing with a plop. He gasped and ran to the bunny, picking it up as he nuzzled with it.

"It's ok bun, I've got you." He looked over to see the males holding hands together. Guess they're a couple. Taehyung lets Jungkook lay in his arms as he walks up to them.

"Thank you Hoseok, can you please go into the living room with Jiyeon?" He nods and calls for Jiyeon to follow him before they leave, even though there is no other door besides the bathroom.

Taehyung looks at the couple to see them nervous.

"H-hi there, I'm Jin. This is my husband Namjoon." Taehyung nods and shakes their hands with his free one.

"I see you must be his mate." Namjoon states, earning another nod from the tiger.

"Well, his other mate is the white cat, her name is Jiyeon." He felt the bunny nuzzle on his arm and he looked down to see what he needed.

"Can you put me down please?" Taehyung smiled and nodded before putting the bunny down. He moved out of the way before the boy transformed into a hybrid again. He smiled widely before hugging the men. One of them, known as Jin, cried as he hugged the boy again.

"It's been 2 months since we've seen you, I thought so many things Kook, you have no idea." Jin cried.

"I'm ok Jin Hyung. I have TaeTae and JiJi." He giggled cutely before going back over to Taehyung. He wrapped his arms around the bunny boy's waist and laid his head on his shoulder.

"So? What brings you guys here?"

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