Chapter 4

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Disclaimer: I don't own any pictures or music but the story

They girls walk in and they look suprise about the gallery walk
Rachel: Kurt can you bring Matthew for me
Kurt: Sure, diva I be right back *Walks over the get Matthew*
Santana and Quinn: What's wrong Rachel
Rachel: This was a mistake I sure never came here today And brought all of you involved intoy baby daddy drama and I'm sorry
Tina: You did nothing wrong we love you just the way you are
Mercedes: We have your back to no matter what plus we all wanted to see are loving nephew
Brittany: Exactly don't sit here and bet your self up if not you fault.
Quinn: I think you and him need to sit down like tonight or something and find closure it's obvious that y'all bother moved on from each you have a son that loves him mommy and he has a girlfriend so you need to be there for my nephew he needs both of his parents
Rachel look at the girl
Rachel: I hate that you all are right I do need to talk to him
*Kurt walks back to the girls with Matthew *
*Rachel picks him up*
Matthew: Mommy there a lot of people here I was looking for you
Rachel: Sorry baby I had to handle something I won't leave you again
Matthew: Promise
Rachel: I Promise
*the girls aww in unison*
*Rachel start to blush*
Quinn: Your a single good mom I hope you know
Rachel: Thanks Quinn
Let go enjoy the rest of the reunion
Girls: Yes let's go
The girl walk back to get a 2 tables for everyone since there a lot of them but Rachel stays back and talks to Matthew
*Rachel put Matthew down from holding him*
Rachel: are you ok
Matthew: Yess mommy
Rachel: do remember how I told you that me and your daddy had are ups and downs
Matthew: yes
Rachel: Well your daddy is here anad I was wondering if you wanted to see him and meet him
Matthew: uh can you come with me
Rachel: Everyone is going to be there when you do okay so don't be nervous I got you remember that so let go back to the reunion
They walk back to the Reunion

Rachel POV
I don't know why I'm so nervous I want what's best for my baby boy soon he won't be a baby no more he going to turn 5 soon he grew up so fast I'm so thankful to have friend like Santana and Quinn and Brittany and Mercedes and Tina great I seen Puck and Finn  I hope he doesn't try to talk to me let me just get this over with let's face the music you got this
Quinn: we are over here
Rachel: Obviously I can see you
Santana: Come sit here come here Matty boy give aunty Tana some loving *sit on her laps and holds on to her and smile*

Finn and Puck
Finn: You got to talk to her
Puck: I will but on my own terms
Finn: Bro that little boy turn 5 next week and he need his dad
Puck: Finn I know I don't know if he wants to know me *look at Matthew and Rachel across the room laughing with the girl*
Finn: See bro you miss them go talk to her
Puck get up and walk toward the girl

Santana: What do you want puckerman
Puck: Not you Santana I came over here to talk to Rachel
Rachel: what do you want
Puck: Can we go somewhere and talk
Rachel: uhh *look at the girls* Sure
Puck: let step in the hall
They walk out
Rachel fold her arm
Rachel: so what is this about I having heard from you or seen in a while I sent pictures of Matthew all the time
Puck: Listen I know I'm the last person you want to here from. I just wanted to say I'm sorry that I walk out on our son. I know that I miss out of his life but I want to know him and him to know me and he look like me. I wasn't ready to be a dad but now I am can you please let me get to know him.
Rachel: Do you know how hard it is to tell a 4 year where is his dad and why he is not here it's hard I saw that little boy break down so many times wondering why you left so he start to blame his self he has a therapist and he is on medication
Puck: Wow I didn't expect that
Rachel: It okay that you me but you don't get to hurt that little boy no more
Puck: Rachel I want to be there for him
Rachel: You had a chance to be there but remember your the one that left him for a pool job in California and turn out while you was at if that you started a new family
Puck: Lily is not mine I'm just here step dad me and Morgan are married I did not replace Matthew
*Morgan comes out with Lily and walks towards them*
Morgan: Hey babe
Puck: Hey *kiss her*
Morgan: Who is this *looks at Rachel*
Rachel: Oh hi I'm Rachel I'm just and old friend of N-Puck and his sons mom
Morgan: Your the girl that was singing earlier you have a pretty voice and I'm Morgan his wife it nice to meet you
Puck: This is Lily her daughter
Lily: Hi I'm Lily and I'm 5 yrs old
Rachel: Hi I'm Rachel and I have a son around your age his name is Matthew maybe some time you and him can have a play date or something *knees down*
Morgan: That would be awesome Did Puck tell you that we are moving to New York
Rachel: that is great I actually live in New York with my son and my best friends
Puck: Rachel is okay if I meet him
Rachel: I think that can happen
Let me go get him
*Rachel walks off*
Morgan: Why are you being so sneaky
Puck: How am I being sneaky
Morgan: Puck I was looking for you to tell you that I think that me and Lily should head back to the hotel but I couldn't find so I ask Finn and he said you was talking to someone named Rachel
Puck: Babe look you misunderstood the whole thing I only was talking he Rachel to see if I could see my son so I had to clear up some things look I love you and only you *kisses her*
Lily: mommy I'm sleepy
Morgan: *picks her up* okay baby we about to leave so hold on  we have to say bye to daddy okay
Lily: Bye daddy see you at the hotel
Puck: bye baby love you be good for daddy okay
Morgan: we will talk about this later you have company bye babe *walks out *

Rachel walks towards him with Matthew on her hip
Puck: Hey your back
Rachel: Yes I said that I was coming back
Puck: Before you ask Morgan and Lily head out cause Lily was tired
Matthew: Who is this
Puck: Hi I'm you daddy my name is Noah
Matthew: * hugs him tight* I miss you daddy
Puck * hugs him tight* I missed you to buddy I'm never going to leave you
Rachel: *start to tear up*

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2020 ⏰

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