Chapter 39

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After we met Noire, Tharja begun to leave me alone more than usual.

The reason? Well, she was using her as a guinea pig for new spells.

Now, they weren't dangerous, just little curses like viruses, diseases and transformation, but Noire couldn't say it was funny.

Me? Call me names, but better her than me!

During the travel, she suddendly went at my side, trying to hide from Tharja.

Me:"I must say I'm sorry you have such a mother."

Noire:"No, there's no need. She was just like this when I was a kid."

Me:"Ah. I pity you more..."

We kept walking for a while when I decided to make the question.

Me:"Say, can I ask you something?"


Me:"Your mother is Tharja, fine, but...what about know, your father?"

She blushed in shame at the question.

Noire:"My father, well, is right next to mother."

I instinctively looked back and, well, she was right to be ashamed.

In fact, I saw Henry with some wet flowers laughing to a even more wet, and furious I add, Tharja.


Noire:"Whenever he tried to defend me, mom always used a curse on him."

You know, I was VEEEEERY relieved to hear that.

Though, I must say I'm doing a good job about...

Ehm, guess I'm going to far now, aren't I?

Let's go back to the group.

Vaike:"Uh, guys? What's going on there?"

We all stopped and noticed a group of soldier in front of the gate of a village.

Just on top there was a man with the weapon ready to fight.

???:"Turn around and get lost, swine! This land belongs to the stonewall Knights! If you need a second notice, I'll write it down on your men's corpses!"

One of the soldiers answered rising his spear.

???:"Ya-har! A pile of corpses could still outfight you sorry lot! This is our territory, and no one gives order to the Riders of Dawn!"

We stayed hidden watching their fight.

Chrom:"What do you make of that?"

Frederick:"Mercenaries, from the look. Rival bands squabbling over some petty matter. A common enough sight in these dark times, milord."

Me:"Pheraps, but if they start to fight the people of the village will be in danger. We must stop them."

In fact, the situation was getting worse.

???:"Stick 'em full' a holes, boys!"

???:"Time to fertilise the fields, soldiers!"

Chrom:"Well, diplomacy is probably out."

I cracked my knuckles.

Me:"If words won't work, then the fists will solve this."

Frederick:"Allying ourselves with one side or the other would certainly expedite things."

Chrom:"A band of riders or a band of knights...Time to make our choice."

Me:"Easy. We'll protect the village, so we'll help the knights."

A Ghost Rider's Journey Vol.6: Welcome to Ylisse(x Fire Emblem Awakening)Where stories live. Discover now