Part 01: Falling in love

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Thank you for reading this.
This is the first ever poem I have ever write so I'm sorry if it's not good.


This night is the night of love,
But is as white as the blessed dove,
The snow glistened of the reflection of the moon,
But went away as soon as it became noon.

The sun stepped forward as the moon stepped back,
And the two young adults came together when there became a path.

He looked at her as if she were an angel, and she starred at him as if he were the sun,
And there story is where that begun.
There love could not be overdone,
While they are only two young adults in love.

They don't see the future,
But they hear the signs,
In there life they have to read between the lines.

His blue eyes glowed upon the snow and her eyes shone upon the sun,
They did not know when it is going to be done,
But there drama will be none.

In there time there was no such thing as love,
But they were none to follow the rules,
He was not one to attend a ball,
But she was the prettiest of them all.

Sometimes trust is something you need,
Or you will bleed,
And trust is what broke the two young adults in love.

They starred into each other's hearts,
And hoped to never be apart,
As they danced below the full moon they listened to the tune.

She did not know what would come in the end,
But whatever it was she could mend,
He did not know who the girl is,
But he would love her forever.

Sometimes you need to look into someone's eyes to fall in

love (A poem)Where stories live. Discover now