First day

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My alarm went off at 6:30, my head hurt and i felt dizzy as i stood up to walk towards the bathroom. the bright artificial lights hurt my eyes as i turned on the shower. the hot water filled my body with warmth. i had washed my hair the previous night so i just needed to wash my body. this whole bathroom was new to me, it wasn't even mine. it was Zach's my mums boyfriends house. they had been dating 4 years before he asked her to move in, he was nice i guess but it hurt me a little bit how much i looked up to him as a dad. my dad left when i was a baby so i never had a father figure growing up. we moved in 2 weeks ago just in time for the start of the new school year. lucky me, not.
i got out of the shower and dressed in my classic short shorts, crop top and jacket. i got my stuff packed in a black rucksack and headed down stairs. my little sister Audrey was sitting at the table. she is 3 and only technically my half sister.
"bofie!" she said holding out her arms towards me. i gave her a hug over her armchair as Zach appeared in the door way.
"good morning girls!" he exclaimed, he was always happy whereas i'm pretty much always grumpy. he opened the fridge and got out some pancake mix.
"as it is your first day of school i made some pancake mix yesterday and thought i would make you some" he said with a smile on his face. i tried to smile back as we exchanged small talk. i ate his pancakes and stood up ready to leave.
"why are you going so early? it's only 8 school doesn't start for another hour" he said watching me walk out the door.
"yeah well i need Starbucks, yeah so where is the nearest Starbucks?" i asked, he gave me was only a 10 minute walk away if i went past the beach. i loved the beach, it was always calm and happy. it reminded me of home because no matter where i am that place has a sea. it connects me to my past and future.

30 minutes later i arrived at school Frappachino in hand and walked towards the double doors. it was Morden and had massive windows. it was a very big school and i felt like a fish in a sea of sharks. i was staring down at my timetable, thank god i have photography to start off this day, when i bumped into someone. our things went flying, we both mumbled an apology and picked up our stuff. she was the most beautiful girl i've ever seen. she had black hair in a half up half down bun, a thrasher crop top on with a pair of very ripped black jeans and her makeup was amazing. i had that weird buttery feeling in my stomach that i got when i had a crush on a boy, i can't like her though because well she's a girl.
"umm do you need help up?" she asked extending a manicured hand towards me. i took it and she pulled me up.
"thank you" i mumbled still embarrassed, she looked at my timetable and smiled.
" i have photography first as well if you want me to take you there?" she asked smiling, i nodded my head as i followed her down the corridor.
"my name is Haley by the way and are you new here?" she asked as we went up some crowded stairs.
"My name is Sophie and how did you know?" i replied still shocked by her utter beauty.
" well as time goes by you realise if someone doesn't greet me with a homophonic comment they must be new" she replied with a hint of hurt in her voice.
"oh i'm sorry. i wouldn't do that to anyone, i hate hurting people. so umm if you don't mind me asking are you gay?" i asked suddenly feeling awkward. she smiled at me and said.
"yep, i hope that doesn't change anything. the last new girl stopped taking to me when she found that out" she said looking deep into my eyes.
" of course it's not a problem! i think it's is brave how your out to everyone." i exclaimed looking into her eyes. she turned her head away, and started walking. i followed.

"good morning class, today we are going to be talking about our end of year projects. the theme is tolerance. take that and make it into a beautiful project. you have to work on pairs so the person your sitting next to will be your partner for this. you have the next two hours to think of an idea and make the page saying why you chose that topic. project books are on my desk" Mrs Lavender exclaimed pointing over to her desk. luckily i was sat next to Haley. we at on a table by ourselves and stared at the black page.
"we could do it about lgbtq?" we both said at the same. we laughed and got on with the work. we talked about the important things, like our past but we didn't get too deep. we really bonded over that lesson but i couldn't help thinking about how i would just stare at her and how beautiful i found her. i didn't like her i kept repeating in my head to try to convince myself that i didn't but i couldn't. we walked out of school together later that day, turns out we have all the same classes.
"do you want to come round to my house so we can get started with the photos?" i asked whilst paying for my second Starbucks of the day.
"sure" she replied bring out her phone and calling her mum.

we arrived at my house and went straight up to my room.
"so is it okay if i take the photos for today?" i asked. Haley nodded whilst sitting down on my bed.
"okay so i was thinking i have these left over smoke bombs from a past project and i was thinking you borrow some of my plain white clothes and we do your makeup and set off the smoke bomb?" i asked walking over to my wardrobe.
"that sounds like a great idea" she replied as i handed her a crop top and a pair of shorts.

we walked over to the park that sat opposite my house and set everything up. we painted a small rainbow on her cheek and splatted the clothes in rainbow wash off paint.
"okay when i say go pull the string and walk towards me whilst moving the smoke around you." i said putting a lense on my camera. she nodded her head.
she moved the smoke around her whilst posing for the camera. god she looked so beautiful.i don't think i could deny it anymore, i liked her a lot. we took the photos, they were amazing.
"i had another idea. you don't have to do it if your not comfortable but how about we put the camera on timer and we both hold a smoke bomb and kiss to show the gay part in lgbtq? never mind it's a stupid idea" she said blushing.
"i think it's a great idea" i replied, i was already in a white two piece so i didn't have to go home to change.
we set up my camera on a tripod as we both held a smoke bomb each, mine pink and hers blue do they would make purple in the middle.
"a bit like the bi flag" i said as i put the timer on for 30 seconds. i pulled the string and so did she. we held them for a bit until purple was created.
"10 seconds, you ready?" Haley said smiling at me. i nodded my head. 5 seconds.
"okay go" i said. 2 seconds. then her soft lips where on mine, kissing me. i kissed her back whilst holding her hand and holding the smoke both with the other. we could hear the camera click but we carried on kissing anyway. we heard footsteps and i pulled away. i dropped the bomb and walked over to the camera. the photos were amazing.
" how did they turn out?" Haley asked walking towards me, i showed her and she smiled.i couldn't help thinking that the kiss meant more, it meant more to me. it's just a kiss i told myself. i repeated that in my head trying to convince myself to believe that's what i thought. we started walking back to my house when her phone was her mum asking for her to come home.
" umm i need to head home." she said smiling at me. i pulled her into a hug.
"see you tomorrow." i said as she walked away.

8 weeks passed and we still hadn't talked about the kiss. i kept hiding my feelings towards Haley but it was so hard to. everyday i lost myself in her eyes. everything she did was perfect and it make me fall even harder for her. throughout the whole half term we hung out everyday,i loved being around her. a small part of me thought she might like me back...the project was going well we had just put in the photo of Haley with the smoke bomb and decorated it. my feeling in the past weeks had just grown. i loved her but i knew she didnt feel the same, i also spent some time trying to figure out my sexuality. it's still confusing but bisexual feels right. i was sitting on my bed when my phone pinged.

hey, can we talk?
you are my best friend you know that right?
yee, your my best friend too
and you remember the kiss we did for the photo?
well... the kiss meant more to me than just a photo or just a kiss. i loved you from the moment i met you and i know we only met about an month ago but i can't imagine my life without you in it. i totally understand if you don't feel the same, if not can we forget this ever happened 😂 but i just had to shoot my shot. so this is me asking you if you want to be my girlfriend...

my heart stopped i re read the message 10 times, this couldn't be happening. no way does she like me back, then the more i think about it i would catch her just looking at me or holding my hand. it wasn't clear back then but it is now.

i would love to be your girlfriend ♥️
wait really? i was getting myself ready for rejection lol. ♥️
i've liked you since we met, i was just too scared to say anything. ♥️
🥰. also do you not mind me asking what your sexuality is and do you want to tell people at school? ♥️
i'm pretty sure i'm Bi and is it okay if i had a bit more time until we fully come out as a couple, i just want to be 100% clear about who i am first♥️♥️
of course baby. ♥️♥️

we talked all through the night. i fell asleep phone in hand texting my amazing girlfriend.

A/N- hey readers! i hope you enjoyed the first chapter of Shes with her. what do you want to happen in the next episode, let me know in the comments. have a good day. make sure to vote bye loves 🖤🖤

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