paris day three

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Andie screaming was not a nice alarm, in fact i would rather wake up to someone dumping a bucket of water on my head.
"Andie be quiet and just tell us what's wrong" Tegen shouted over her screaming, Andie didn't stop so Tegen put her hand over Andie's mouth.
"now when i take my hand away your going to QUIETY tell me what's wrong okay?" Tegen said whilst Andie nodded her head quickly. Tegen's hand moved away as Andie pointed towards the window and we all looked over at it.
"a spider" i screamed, fun fact i have a phobia of spiders, as Tegen and Haley laughed their heads off.
"guys calm down it's just a spider!" they said whilst laughing, Haley went and got a glass and a bit of paper off the desk that sat in our room. she walked over to the spider and trapped it in the glass. then she let out the window and closed it.
"done" she said and faked bowed. "aww someone has a pouty face" she looked at me coping my expression.
"i don't like spiders" i whined "i mean who could like an eight legged creature with a billion eyes! i just don't get it"
"well at least you have and amazing spider banishimg girlfriend" she said flipping her hair back jokingly.
"not funny" i said but u couldn't help letting out a slight giggle. Haley clutched her stomach and fell to the floor.
"words hurt you know!" she said pretending to be in pain. finally she came to sit on our bed and kissed me on the nose.

2 hours later we were standing outside the Montmarte. i was wearing a crop top and ripped jean shorts.
"you have 4 hours to explore the Montmarte, the grounds and the Mussè de Montmarte. meet back here at 4:30" Mr smith said as we walked away.
"so what do you guys want to do?" Milo asked as we stood in a little alleyway as we decided wanted to do.
"Mussè de Montmarte?" Andie and Oscar both said at the same time. they blushed and turned away from each other.
"i mean want to walked around the gardens" Alex said whilst putting his arm around Milos shoulder.
"same" Milo said kissing Alex's hand.
"i wanted to take wonder around the Sacré-Cœur if anyone wanted to come with me?" Tegen said as she took a drink of her water.
"me too" Louis said whilst putting his comic in his bag.
"okay we'll go off in pairs of two then. Alex and Milo, Andie and Oscar, Louis and Tegen and finally Sophie and i." Haley suggested, the others nodded. everyone walked off so that left Haley and i.
"so babygirl what do you want to do?" Haley asked whilst pulling me into her and kissing me.
"i don't mind, shall we walk around?" i asked, Haley nodded her head and held her hand. we walked around the streets a bit. the sun tanned our skin.
"babe you should put some sun cream on" Haley said as we walked. i agreed and sat down on a nearby bench as Haley put some on her hands.
"move your hair out of the way" Haley said as i moved my hair out of the way of my back. Haley rubbed the sun cream onto my back whilst i played with my hair.
"all down" she said before kissing the back of my head, i turned around and kissed her. we carried on walking until we reached the gardens where we bumped into Milo and Alex.
"hey guys!" they shouted calling us over and waving. we walked over hand in hand and we all chatted. we walked towards the Mussé de Montmarte.
"guys can you take a photo of Sophie and i please?" Haley asked, milo nodded and took Haley's phone. she turned back to face me, she smirked.
"jump" she whispered in her ear. i put my arms around her neck and jumped. i wrapped my legs around her waist as she placed her hands under my bum to support me. she kissed me and we heard the camera click and she put me down.
"that was cute" Milo said handing Haley back her phone. i blushed as Haley put her phone in her pocket.
"you can always trust Sophie to be cute" Haley said as i blushed even more.
"awwww she's blushing" Alex said as i blushed even more. Haley tickled me playfully as Milo took Alex's hand in his.
"it's nearly 4:30 we should start walking back to the meeting place" i said as we walked in the sunlight.
Andie's POV
Oscar and i walked around the museum together. every time we stopped to look at something i moved my hand to hold his but i pulled it away feeling awkward. we walked around for another 3 and a half hours when sat down because we were tired.
"we should probably get going it nearly..." but i was interrupted by Oscars lips on mine, i was shocked at first as you would also be. i relaxed into the kiss and her moved his hands into my hair. we sat there kissing for a while until Oscar pulled away.
"we should probably go it's 4" he said whilst not being able to look away from my eyes.
"okay but could i have one more kiss please?" i asked shyly whilst my cheeks turned a peachy red in colour. he kissed me gently before standing up and offering me his hand, i took it and he pulled me up. we headed back over to the meeting place holding hands the whole time.
Sophie's POV
we arrived at the meeting place and signed in with Mr Smith, we saw Andie and Oscar walk towards us, we waved to them calling them over. a few minuets later Tegen and Louis showed up eating ice cream.
"did you guys have fun?" Alex asked as Louis wiped his mouth with a tissue. we got on the focal as Andie told us about what happened between her and Oscar.
"i'm so proud of you" i joked hugging her.

we arrived back at the hotel and had a dinner of steak and potato's. Andie and tegen went back to the boys room to hang out whilst Haley and i went back to our room. we changed into our pyjamas ( one of Haley's jumper and some shorts). we snuggled up in our bed and put on a movie.
"baby" Haley said whilst playing with my hair.
"what's up?" i asked kissing her forehead.
"you know i love you right" she said tiredly half asleep.
"i love you too baby" i said whilst she hugged me closer. we fell asleep in each others arms.

i walked into a room and saw Haley lying on the floor dead. i ran over to her and held her in my arms, my hands and clothes where died a crimson red.
"baby wake up" i screamed crying whilst streaming her hair. "wake up" she felt cold in my arms. i couldn't believe i lost her, i lost her... i woke up crying my eyes out.
"hey baby what wrong?" Haley asked scared as she held me in her arms.
"what happened?" she asked while rocking me back and fourth to try and calm me down.
"i-i had a nightmare where you ummm died and i h-had n-no one left" i cried into her shoulder.
"shh it's okay i'm here. i'm next leaving it's okay" Haley said whilst gently lying me down on the bed, she wrapped her arms around me as i fell back asleep.

A/N- i hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! make sure to vote and add my story to your reading list! love all of you have a good day and stay safe lovely's 🖤

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