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the door opened. Zach, i always called him dad though. stepped in. we didn't have time to move so he saw us hugging and her kissing my head. the look of utter disgust made my heart ache. i sat up and so did Haley, i managed to not break down crying so that was something. there was an awkward moment of silence shared as my dad looked between Haley and me. he clenched and unclenched his fists.
"what is going on?" he shouted angrily. as he took a step closer to me. my heart raced and my palms became sweaty.
"d-dad i can explain..." i tried to say but he cut me off.
"you're gay?" he screamed whilst re-clenching his fists. my heart fell into my stomach, why was he getting so angry? was it really that bad?
"i-i'm Bi actually" i whispered.
"you're a disgrace. how dare you. i should of known you would turn out to be gay. your a failure and a disappointment to the family. Mary get in here" he shouted and called my mum into the room. i held back my tears, how could my dad not accept me for who i am? my own father! at least my mum will have my back. i watched my dad talking to my mum as the same look of disgust spread across her face. i tried hard to hold back my tears.
"get out" she said pointing towards the door. my heart shattered. why can't my parents accept me for who i am? why is who i love such a big problem for them?
"mum please we can..." she cut me off.
"you have half an hour to pack your stuff and then your leaving and never coming back" she shouted. they left my room and i broke down crying. Haley pulled me into her and let me cry.
"it's going to be okay" she whispered into my ear as i cried on her lap. i felt numb and emotionally exhausted. after 10 minutes i sat up and got out a suitcase. i put my clothes, makeup, toiletries,skin and hair stuff in it. i grabbed a duffel bag and put my electronics, baby teddy, homework and books in there. i grabbed my school bag as Haley helped me carry my stuff downstairs. everything was happening too fast, one minuet I was happy the next minuet I was getting kicked out of the house. my parents where sitting at the kitchen island drinking tea. I turned to face them and anger filled me.

"you are the disgraces not me" I said as I slammed the front door behind me. I followed Haley to her house in silence. she knew I didn't feel like talking so she didn't force me to. we arrived at her house and her mum opened the door. she looked confused.

"hey honey what are you doing home? and you must be Sophie!" Haley's mum exclaimed hugging us both. she let us inside and offered us tea. I slowly nodded my head and sat down at their table. Haley took her mum to one side and explained the situation. they where there for quite a while then she walked to me.

"honey I'm aware of your situation and just know you can stay here as long as you want" Haley's mum, Annie, said. I started crying my heart aching for my mum. she embraced me in a hug. after she left go Haley lead me up to her room. I sat on her bed and stared into space as she unpacked my stuff into a spare draw and came and sat down next to me. she held me in a hug, I had no energy to cry anymore. I just stared into space.

I barely moved or talked for the next 3 weeks. I couldn't talk and all I did was sleep. one day Haley was at school when I decided to go for a walk. I shoved on some leggings and one of Haley's jumpers. I slowly walked downstairs and already felt tired. I realized I hadn't eaten in 3 days, before I walked out of the door I grabbed an apple from the fruit bowl. I walked out into the cold air and walked towards a park, the park where Haley and I had our first kiss. I felt exhausted so I sat down on a bench and ate my apple. a small fluffy dog started running towards me followed by a girl.

"snow come back here" the girl called at the dog jumped up onto the bench and sat next to me. the girl stopped running and laughed.

"she likes you" the girl said, I opened my mouth and tried to speak. "my name is Amber" she extended a hand towards me. I shakily took her hand and shook it. she smiled at me and picked up her dog and sat down next to me.

"what's your name?" she asked whilst streaking Snow.

"S-S-Sophie" I managed to say as I fiddled with the sleeves of my jumper.
"well nice to meet you Sophie. how are you?" Amber asked.
"i'm actually really bad. a lot of crap has gone on in my life recently" i replied taking another bite of my apple.
"do you want to talk about it?" Amber asked looking at me.
"i mean i haven't left my girlfriends room in 3 weeks and i hadn't eaten in 3 days before this apple. all because my dad walked in on me and my girlfriend hugging and both my parents kicking me out because of my sexuality" i said before talking a deep breath of the cold, fresh air.
"god i'm so sorry Sophie, no one should ever have to go through that" she said. we sat there in a comfortable silence for a bit. she smiled at me, she opened her mouth like she was about to say something but my phone rang. I picked it up and saw that it was Haley. I picked it up, she was just asking where I was. I answered her and stood up ready to leave when Amber tapped my shoulder.
"where are you going?" she asked.
"oh yeah sorry my girlfriend wanted me to come home, she had a surprise for me apparently" i laughed lightly and looked at Amber.
"oh okay... i was wondering if you wanted to exchange numbers?" she asked smiling at me again.
"sure" i replied giving her my number and she gave me hers.
"goodbye then" i said as i walked away.
"goodbye Sophie" she shouted after me. i walked to Haley's house and inside was the whole gang.
"what's this for?" i asked laughing slightly. Haley looked shocked.
"do you not know what day it is?" she asked pulling me into a hug. i shook my head.
"is the 6th of December, your the birthday baby!" she said spinning me around and quickly kissing me.
"so what have you guys got planned?" i asked as Haley put her arm around my shoulders and led me and the others up to her room.
"we're having a movie night!" shouted Milo exited. we watched many movies and ate an immense amount of popcorn. i felt so safe and happy around these people, i forgot my problems and enjoyed the night.

the others left at around 10 o'clock, so that left Haley and i lying in bed. she passed me a box covered in silver paper.
"happy birthday baby" she said kissing me on the lips carefully. i opened the box and inside was a photo album. on the front it was grey with silver writing saying 'our love' on it. inside was photos and descriptions of what happened in that day. i slowly looked through them and my heart filled with warmth. i gently closed the book.
"i love you" i said as she hugged me.
"i love you too" she held me close as we fell asleep.

sorry this chapter was sooo bad i'm just tired :(
have a great day lovelies 🖤

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